Just Watched "Why We Fight"


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Discuss if you've watched. Cause it seems like no one gives a sh*t about this assault on Iraq and the billions upon billions of our money and oil is going towards an unworthy cause and the killing of a friend and that not of a foe.

YouTube - Why we fight
I didn't see the movie.
Can you expand on your point?

Why do you think think that the liberation of Iraq was an unworthy cause?
And who/what are you referring to when you say "the killing of a friend and that not of a foe?" Are you speaking of the Hussein regime?
This movie chronicles american foreign policy in the middle east since WW2 and the rise of the military industrial complex.


9/11 was a convenient excuse to implement Pax Americana policies that had been brewing since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Even if you disagree with it's conclusions and opinions it is none the less
a fascinating eye opening look at the American military machine and foreign policy over the last 60 years.
It's always important to remember when watching films like this that the producers have a particular stance and they will only use evidence that supports that stance.
Similarly the (while we all know McDonalds is NOT good for you by any means)film "Super Size Me" failed to mention that during the experiment the main character quit running and working out. They also failed to mention he was a strict vegetarian or vegan, I don't remember which. So he was not just eating Mcdonalds he went off of his extensive physical and nutritional schedule as well. It's those hidden points that seem to ruin the arguments infalibility for me.
but non the less there is no iraqi freedom..we went in with weapons , overthrow Sadam (Whom btw was our friend and he was our CIA informant whom we gave weapons to for fighting the Iranians whom are one of our true enemies) plus Iraq has the 2nd largest oil reserve and extraction if you exclude America from the list (numbe 1 being Saudi Arabia). The war is all about Profitering, a chance to capitalize on way. old vice president Dick even worked for a military production company....would'nt you think that is a motiv? Or how about the fact that congress gave the president permission to attack a country when necessary following 9/11 and to which George W said "why not Iraq?" What war on terror have we prevented in these 7years of "war" I prefer to call it an "assault" since the other party never wanted to fight back...but resistant has climed since the occupation of Iraq will be perminant. The ideals for the previous Regime of our government was to become the NEW AGE ROME...but in it's persuits have us crumbled and maybe someday we will be nothing left, just like them.
It's always important to remember when watching films like this that the producers have a particular stance and they will only use evidence that supports that stance.
Similarly the (while we all know McDonalds is NOT good for you by any means)film "Super Size Me" failed to mention that during the experiment the main character quit running and working out. They also failed to mention he was a strict vegetarian or vegan, I don't remember which. So he was not just eating Mcdonalds he went off of his extensive physical and nutritional schedule as well. It's those hidden points that seem to ruin the arguments infalibility for me.

btw it's easy to make that assumption but don't make that kind of statement 'til you see the movie...it's a very well done documentary and pretty complicated at the start...i still hated McCain was in it but had some feasable points....
btw it's easy to make that assumption but don't make that kind of statement 'til you see the movie...it's a very well done documentary and pretty complicated at the start...i still hated McCain was in it but had some feasable points....

...let's be serious- how deep is your understanding of American foreign policies, the various schools of foreign policy, and the history of world conflict? Because the mere fact that it's "complicated" at the beginning has no bearing on whether it's accurate or honest.

The same argument can be made to defend "Loose Change" which is a movie completely void of truth, objectivity, or reality.

I'll see if I can dig up a copy of the movie and give it a view. It sounds familiar.
(Whom btw was our friend
No, he wasn't our friend.
Not only was he involved in the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, he had attempted to assassinate President George Bush, and had been firing on our Air Force jets.

The CIA used him as means of balancing power in the region during the 1980s so that Iran, with Soviet funding, did not become the regional hegemon.

The war is all about Profitering,
No, it wasn't.
And it's a little silly to have to explain all of this over again. This stuff has been discussed countless time here.

But in short- 1. Iraq had been very aggressive to the U.S. They did have weapon programs. They were regional sponsors of terror. And they were about to successful have the UN drop the sanctions on their country.

2. And it was an example of "Idealist Foreign Policy." Because it was believed that Iraq had an infrastructure and the ability to sustain a genuine middle class population, it was believed that it could sustain some kind of democratic styled government. And in doing so, spread that influence throughout the region.

All of this is in an effort to prevent broader wars in the future.

a chance to capitalize on way. old vice president Dick even worked for a military production company.
Haliburton? They don't produce military equipment.
Which military production company are you talking about.

...would'nt you think that is a motiv?

Or how about the fact that congress gave the president permission to attack a country when necessary following 9/11 and to which George W said "why not Iraq?"
See, this is what happens when a propaganda film gives misleading, incomplete "complicated" information to someone who doesn't understand what they are watching.

Al-Queda isn't a country. It's a terrorist organization, almost better understood as a franchise. They operate in countries all around the world. And all kinds of terrorist organizations can operate under the name of Al-Queda as well.

What war on terror have we prevented in these 7years of "war" I prefer to call it an "assault" since the other party never wanted to fight back...
You're making less and less sense as these posts continue.
Wht war on terror did we prevent? The question doesn't make sense.
Has the "War on Terror" prevented attacks, disrupted organization, and killed bad guys. Absolutely. Around the world.

Have we uncovered evidence and information that have prevented attacks, yes.

but resistant has climed since the occupation of Iraq will be perminant.
Watching one propaganda movie doesn't make you an expert.
I don't know how to respond to your comments because- frankly, I don't think you understand what you're saying- and you're basing it all on a four year old anti-war movie.

The ideals for the previous Regime of our government was to become the NEW AGE ROME...but in it's persuits have us crumbled and maybe someday we will be nothing left, just like them.
....you really need an education on this stuff....
You really don't have any idea what you're talking about.

Are you trying to say that the GWB Administration modeled itself on the Roman empire? That is idiotic.
Are you trying to say that the GWB Administration modeled itself on the Roman empire? That is idiotic.
I don't know about the GWB Administration in particular, but the whole Federal government reeks of Rome's corruption. People making power grabs, Senators and Representatives who can't keep their pants zipped, politicrits who are bound and determined to deliver bread and circuses at any cost, and now a President who exhibits the attention span of an 8-year-old about to be put on Ritalyn...sounds a hell of a lot like Rome to me...
Hail Bush: A new Roman empire

Interesting article - somewhat old - and mostly just 'food for thought'...

the whole Federal government reeks of Rome's corruption.

When ever you concentrate power in one spot, that is inevitably going to happen. When D.C. controls trillions of dollars and every element of our lives, then you will see people drawn there for the selling and trading of power and influence.

sounds a hell of a lot like Rome to me...
I do think they are tuning up their fiddles....
So basically both sides of the argument has there flaws and do'nt think i base my believes from watching a single movie. I gather information and make my own assumption about it. i'm neither left wing or right wing.....I just wanna call out questions to play which is why I stated mentioned articles of the movie especially since you, Calabrio haven't seen it yet. Only reason why it was diffucult to watch at first was I was still trying to recover from my date I had early in which I ended up cheating my new diet by splitting a piece of cheesecake (from the cheesecake factory) with the girl......ugh that stuff is too rich on a crash diet :p
So basically both sides of the argument has there flaws and do'nt think i base my believes from watching a single movie. I gather information and make my own assumption about it.
There aren't "two sides' regarding "what happened." You have fact and then you fiction.

The debate only exists when addressing "whether it should" happen or not.

Calabrio haven't seen it yet.
But I don't need to see a propaganda film in order to address the false charges made in it.
Here is my thought..

We only bother with countries such as Iraq because of the oil. If they had no oil, the odds we would be bothering with them are slim.

North Korea is a much bigger threat right now, and we do little there. I wont even bother mentioning Africa and how little we do there. Yet little kuwait got all of our attention.

Dont get me wrong. Oil is of strategic importance, and that makes it important to foreign policy. But regardless of the importance of the oil, lets not kid ourselves. We dont fight for human rights or for the plight of the iraqi people, or because we're chasing terror. We fight to protect the oil.

Just my .02
In response to your "thought."

Energy is incredibly important.
Not because of some individual might make a profit on it, but because it's the lifeblood of our economy. So securing affordable energy is important to our security- not just the wallet of some oil tycoon.

Since we're not allowed to drill in Alaska, or off the coast.
Since we can't build nuclear power plants.
And since coal technology is shunned.
We are dependent upon foreign oil. We are extremely vulnerable in that regard.

Look what happens to the economy when oil prices went up $1/gal. $2/gal. Now imagine they went up $6-8/gal. Think about heating oil prices. The cost of production.

Maintain the free flow of oil is in our STRATEGIC interest.
If it is cut off, our security is jeopardized...

You completely misrepresented what is going on in North Korea. That country has gotten a great deal of attention. When the past administration called them members of the "axis of evil," the international panti-waists were outraged.

However, you don't treat every country the same way. It's be stupid to do so. The objectives are different, the threats are different, everything is different.

Same applies for Africa. And it's interesting that you brough Africa up because it completely undermines the point I think you were trying to make. Africa is RICH in natural resources. It's rich in gold, diamonds, minerals, and most of oil- OIL. There are HUGE oil deposits in Africa. Look at a country like Nigeria, or in the Niger-delta.

If our military actions were about seizing oil deposits, we'd be in North Africa. And we'd have seized the Iraqi oil fields while we're at it- not allow them to be contracted to the Chinese.
And it's a little silly to have to explain all of this over again. This stuff has been discussed countless time here.
Which just shows you the massive reach of misinformation versus the reach of the truth. There will always be people who are easily swindled.
frankly the Asian Elvis can't do much :p

Except destabilize a continent.
Sell nuclear technology and materials.
Attack South Korea where we have troops stationed.
Possibly launch a nuke that hits Hawaii or Alaska...

I can continue, but I think I've sufficiently demonstrated how wrong your statement was.
We fight for death panels.
And, for the right to rub peanut butter on my privates and invite stray dogs into my house.

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