Just Winging It - Iraq


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 12, 2004
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I think that part of “the problem” if not most of it is in the transition into Democracy taking hold, and the deep resentment from the “other” side losing their former power. I think that both the present Iraqi administration and the other side need to understand Democracy as it is practiced in elsewhere, and in the US. The other side needs to understand that just because you may have losed a particular election it is not the end of the World. It just means that you have to wait until the next election, and try harder, for your voice to be heard. It happens in the USA all the time; what's the big deal?

I think that the current government in Iraq has to make political appointments that encompasses all Citizens in Iraq, and acknowledges the voice of all people from both sides. That is the way government is supposed to work!
That is the way government is supposed to work!

Not in their world. They don't want your "demoncracy". Level their country and move onto the next turd world terrorist nation...
Democracy isn't the issue facing us in Iraq. The problem is the unwillingness of the US and the Iraqi government to crush the militias and confront Iran and Syria. That is coupled with the unlikelihood that democracy in Iraq will work anyway, because the government will still be made up of muslims who have been taught to hate America and oppress women and other religions. Democracy is nonexistent in Islamic nations.

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