Justified Police Brutality???? St. Louis


Lincoln LS rules
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
St. Louis, Bevo area
Ok peeps, I'm sure you all have seen on the TV about the high speed chase here in St. Louis that resulted in ahprehension of the driver. This is a sad outlook on St. Louis.

However as I was watching the live feed from Chanel 2, I couldn't see the part of where the police officer slammed the perp. into the building wall then on the cement sidewalk. I later saw Chanel 5 from another angle and OMG!!!
They (2 officers from Mapelwood) got the guy on the ground and started wailing on him in the face and back!!! Even when they had him with his arms behind his back (still on the ground) 2 other officers, (1 from Maplewood and 1 from St. Louis) kicked him in the head and legs repeatedly!

Now some of the people say it was justified because he rammed a patrol car and wouldn't stop which lead to the chase. He showed no sign of respect for school buses and other cars. He ran from the cops. He resisted arrest. NO GUN!!!!

But isn't aprehension enough? If you have the guy down on the ground and there are 2 officers, shouldn't they restrain until the other 2 get there to help get the cuffs on? Does it have to include kicks to the head and stomping on legs and punching? No way. I believe the police were out of control with adreniline. They police officers involved should be repremanded.
You are right.....

Once the chase is over and the guy is on the ground, the punches and kicks should stop. But as in the Rodney King case they do not always. Just remember that the media may not be showing everything. They make a habit out of showing only the portions of the tape that will get the biggest reactions. If in fact this person had given up and was not resisting, then the police should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. If that were you or I that had been kicking and punching a subdued person, no matter the reason why we subdued them, if we used excessive force, we would be in jail. Police officers usually do a great job, but the CHOOSE to become police officers and are never above the law.
There is no such thing as Justified Polce Brutality. This is the type of behavior, if it was depicted truthfully, that results in more laws restraining what the police may do and gives criminals another way to get off the hook.
Hit him until he completely complies and ceases any kind of resistance.

And then remember that the cops are human, and they've just risked their lives on a chase, saw the public put in risk, and realize this guy tried to hurt them.

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