Keep your distance

Damn that sucks... I have more of a problem with people tailing me and I dont have anywhere to go because I try to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of me, and its not like im going real slow either... Especially when ita raining like mad and im havimg a hard time to see as it is, but never wouldthink of that happening, wow
The video has been confirmed as real.
I was actually taping two trucks doing a little 'cat and mouse' game and holding up traffic. (I always say I'll send it to the companies they work for, let them know how they are representing the company, but I never do. Can't help it - I'm in marketing so I always think about things like that)

The 2x4 was in the road, along with several others, but when the truck in front of me hit it, and then his trailer hit it, it just propelled it into me. I don't know why I didn't scream or cuss or cry, I guess just pure shock, I could barely form words to call 911. But I most definitely know how lucky I was. Damage was mostly the hood and windshield, again, very lucky.

We independently verified Cobb's story with the local law enforcement who have sent us a copy of their report on the accident.

Before my accident I was a trash truck driver and one day I had driven over a 2x4 on the freeway that I was trying to avoid but didn't and I was really hoping that the samething didn't happen.It didn't but damn it would have sucked.

Just wondering,why was the driver recording with there cell phone in the first place?
I think cuase they were playing cat n mouse.

I was following a truck that dropped a 2x4 on the highway once in my old car..I was a good 40ft behind it but it still managed to hit my bumper on 1 of its many bounces..No cracks but it did leave a decent scuff..
My dad had a sheet of plywood come off a truck once right at him. It caught the wind and sailed over the roof of the car just scuffing it. He thought it was going to cut him in half as he said there was no warning/time to react, scary crap!...

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