Keith Olbermann commentary on Rummy 5 stars!!!

You always remember your first time... what a love affair. Dean's first visit on that horrible, unwatched Olberman show.

So let's address his issue- should we "impeach" Rumsfeld?
Are you kidding me? Why. Break it down for me. Olberman can't. Dean certainly can't.

The Democrats are neither tough or smart when it comes to defense, despite what howling Howie might say. They embrace a world view that has been proven, throughout history, to be wrong.

Class warfare, lies, and other hyperbole nonsense from the left. And you give that a thumbs up and bravo? What horribly low expectations you have. But, I guess that's just through conditioning.

Democrats keep talking about wanting a "new direction" yet they can't express it or explain it.

There is a differenc between criticism and partisan sniping. And we're not seeing honest, thoughtful debate regarding American politics and foreign policy, INSTEAD we simply see petty "gotcha" politics.

Name pointing, name calling, and NO IDEAS. That's the DNC. That's Howard
Dean. He's sitting there, unchallenged, making statements that are both untrue and the rest are just inaccurate.

But Phil is impressed.

Perhaps later he can call Bill O'Reilly the worst person in the world, shrieking it with the tone of a desperate child trying to get the attention of.... well, anyone.

So when is that idiot going to give me that baseball scores?
Olbermann's a liar and a discredit to his already failing network. I'm not surprised that you watch him, Phil. What a loser.

"Who is more foolish, the fool, or the one who follows him?"

-- Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Episode IV
Olbermann is sooo smug I can't stand it. And he has to be the 'worst host in the world'. (tosses crumpled paper at computer monitor)

I caught some of the Dean circle jerk, I mean serious, informative interview. Man, the Left is in serious trouble. They might gain some seats in this next election because of the media, but they are slowly and surely losing the political war in America. Conservatives need more mass media outlets, on TV and print to counter the daily lies hoisted upon the American people by the liberal left.

Olbermann = smug prick. Just look at the guy.


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