Kentucky To Get Creationist Theme Park


Dedicated LVC Member
May 13, 2007
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Kentucky To Get Creationist Theme Park, Complete With Dinosaurs On Noah’s Ark :D

Yes, this exists, or at least it will by 2014:
FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Steve Beshear said Wednesday that a creationism theme park, expected to open in Northern Kentucky in 2014,
would have a $250 million annual impact on the state’s economy.
Ark Encounter, which will feature a 500-foot-long wooden replica of Noah’s Ark containing live animals such as juvenile giraffes, is projected to cost $150 million and create 900 jobs, Beshear announced at a Capitol press conference.
“Make no mistake about it, this is a huge deal,” he said.
The park, to be located on 800 acres in Grant County off Interstate 75, also will include a Walled City, live animal shows, a replica of the Tower of Babel, a 500-seat special-effects theater, an aviary and a first-century Middle Eastern village.
It’s expected to draw 1.6 million visitors a year.
Park developers are seeking state tourism development incentives and could receive up to$37.5 million over a 10-year period.
Beshear was asked during the press conference about the Noah’s Ark exhibit specifically:
SONKA: Will there be dinosaurs on the Ark?
ANSWERS IN GENESIS OFFICIAL: [off-mike] Well you know the position of Answers in Genesis so you can probably answer that yourself. We’ll have appropriate animals on the ark based on — [on mike] I’m sure we’ll have representative kinds of animals on the ark, to include dinosaurs. !!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
The Louisville Courier-Journal is not at all pleased with the Governor:
Even if technically legal (in that the law allowing the tax breaks doesn’t discriminate against other religious or anti-religious views), a state role in a private facility that would be built by a group called Answers in Genesis and espouses a fundamentalist view resting on biblical inerrancy indirectly promotes a religious dogma. That should never be the role of government.
Moreover, in a state that already suffers from low educational attainment in science,:rolleyes: one of the last things Kentucky officials should encourage, even if only implicitly, is for students and young people to regard creationism as scientifically valid. Creationism is a nonsensical notion that the Earth is less than 6,000 years old. No serious scientist upholds that view, and sophisticated analysis of the Earth’s minerals and meteorite deposits generally lead to an estimate
that the planet is about 4.5 billion years old. Furthermore, creationism teaches that the Earth (including humans) was created in six days.
But if the Beshear administration is determined that Kentucky should cash in on its stereotypes — and wants to fight Indiana to snare the theme park — why stop with creationism? How about a Flat-Earth Museum? Or one devoted to the notion that the sun revolves around the Earth? Why not a museum to celebrate the history pageantry of methamphetamines and Oxycontin? Surely a spot can be found for an Obesity Museum (with a snack bar).

Well it is an AMUSEMENT PARK and it certainly will live up to that :p
On the other hand Kentucky needs all the economic activity it can generate
even with a silly satirical(unintended) campy cartoonish place like this.

Maybe Sarah Palin can visit to pardon a turkey there :D
that's funny.

which will feature a 500-foot-long wooden replica of Noah’s Ark

how can you have a replica with out knowing what the original looked like?
that's funny.

how can you have a replica with out knowing what the original looked like?
You can make a reasonably educated guess based on the description in the Bible. But you wouldn't know about that, would you? :lol:
It's hard to take some evangelicals and their religion seriously when this kind of childish nonsense comes up.
They basically embarrass and disqualify themselves from being taken seriously in the modern world, especially with their "the world being only 6000 years old contention"
It's hard to take some evangelicals and their religion seriously when this kind of childish nonsense comes up.
They basically embarrass and disqualify themselves from being taken seriously in the modern world, especially with their "the world being only 6000 years old contention"
It's hard to take evolutionists seriously when they try to convince us that we came from monkeys and that the 'big bang' happened from nothing.

We've already had a dozen or so threads like this, and nobody's been able to move me off my point yet. I can answer every assertion or piece of 'scientific evidence' with a counterpoint followed by scientific evidence that you're wrong about this. Face it - you only believe in evolution because it's what you were TAUGHT - not because you've done any extensive research on it. So drop the condescension.
It's not a "creationist" theme-park, it's really more of park with a literal biblical interpretation. The sole, narrow focus on the creationism seem like an effort to mock the effort.

I'm not a biblical literalistic, but I think that park might actually be interesting.
Whether you're religious or not, whether you think it's divinely inspired, the stories in the old and new testaments contain a great deal of wisdom.

But most important, what's with these bitter leftists pissing and moaning because this business is seeking tax breaks that are available to all other businesses? I would call them hypocritical but it's really much more insidious than that. They support the public funding of things like "piss christ" or conventions and events that are explicitly amoral,irreligious, and even anti-American, but they seek to use the taxing power of government to stifle expressions that challenge their own, while using it to fund their "non-religious" visions.

Personally, neither should get tax breaks or subsidies, but that's not the system in place right now.
It's hard to take evolutionists seriously when they try to convince us that we came from monkeys.

I can answer every assertion or piece of 'scientific evidence' with a counterpoint followed by scientific evidence that you're wrong about this. Face it - you only believe in evolution because it's what you were TAUGHT - not because you've done any extensive research on it. So drop the condescension.

Actally, like you I'm also waiting for the missing link to be found which will show one species evolving into another.

However the earth and universe being only 6000 years old contention is so ludicrous as to be disqualifying in and of itself.

The light from celestial events we can see takes longer than that to reach us.
It's not a "creationist" theme-park, it's really more of park with a literal biblical interpretation. The sole, narrow focus on the creationism seem like an effort to mock the effort.

I'm not a biblical literalistic, but I think that park might actually be interesting.
Whether you're religious or not, whether you think it's divinely inspired, the stories in the old and new testaments contain a great deal of wisdom.

But most important, what's with these bitter leftists pissing and moaning because this business is seeking tax breaks that are available to all other businesses? I would call them hypocritical but it's really much more insidious than that. They support the public funding of things like "piss christ" or conventions and events that are explicitly amoral,irreligious, and even anti-American, but they seek to use the taxing power of government to stifle expressions that challenge their own, while using it to fund their "non-religious" visions.

Personally, neither should get tax breaks or subsidies, but that's not the system in place right now.

Well there's a hunger for Christian religious content in this country as Mel's Passion of the Christ showed.

There is certainly money to be made and people will enjoy seeing representations of popular stories.

But mixing in dinosaurs not mentioned in the Bible gives the park a Flintstones mentality.
Actally, like you I'm also waiting for the missing link to be found which will show one species evolving into another.

However the earth and universe being only 6000 years old contention is so ludicrous as to be disqualifying in and of itself.

The light from celestial events we can see takes longer than that to reach us.
So, you really want to discuss this? If so, let's set some ground rules.

1. Stay on the specific issue (such as speed of light etc.) until it's finished
2. No flaming (using words like 'ludicrous' or 'ridiculous')
3. No copy/pasting of semi-technical articles
4. Each person gets to take a turn and bring up a topic which is then discussed


If any two parties want to do this, I'll moderate the thread so that the rules are followed and no outside trolls don't interrupt.
This might be interesting.

And, in full disclosure, I'm not a creationist.
So, you really want to discuss this? If so, let's set some ground rules.

1. Stay on the specific issue (such as speed of light etc.) until it's finished
2. No flaming (using words like 'ludicrous' or 'ridiculous'
3. No copy/pasting of semi-technical articles
4. Each person gets to take a turn and bring up a topic which is then discussed


I just want to keep this fun.
Give me your own arguments and or paraphrases instead of walls of cut and paste.

How about some plausible deniability to the contention the earth and the universe is 4.5 billion years old or more.
How could it have been formed in 6 earth days( if there is a day then there has to already be a sun star in order to have a day time measurement) when science hypothesizes it took billions of years with comets bringing water and primitive bacterial life forms when they collided into and helped form the planet.
But mixing in dinosaurs not mentioned in the Bible gives the park a Flintstones mentality.
I would tend to agree that it's mistake, on many levels, to include the dinosaurs in the production. As threads like this all over the internet will demonstrate, it distracts from the broader marketing goals of the park.

If we want to by cynical, then it may also be observed that such a bold statement in the defiance of the secular society, may attract more people inclined to attend such a facility. A timid, apologetic effort would be a guaranteed failure... and I will say, though I don't think people were walking around with dinosaurs, I have more regard for this park because of their unapologetic take on things.
There is certainly money to be made and people will enjoy seeing representations of popular stories.

Money to be made with religion....the hell you say:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
You can make a reasonably educated guess based on the description in the Bible. But you wouldn't know about that, would you?

educated guess? it would be fabrication from the minimal description in the bible.
just as any artists' rendering are so far.
so where are the evolution based theme parks?
so where are the evolution based theme parks?

They're called government schools.

Evolution doesn't have a handy cast of characters but strictly speaking Las Vegas and the Disney and Universal theme parks are the most evolved parks.

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