Keypad Issues


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 14, 2005
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OK here it is i just cleaned my car off and let it run and locked the doors but when i went to open the door by using the keypad and put in my code that has worked so many times before. now when i use the same code its almost as if it want to be the lock the door code. tell me what you think does anyone know of a way to reset the code while the car is running.

well looks like everyone is looking at my issue and i found out that even though i got into my car and unhooked the battery for over and hr the keypad combination still doesnt work. for some reason when i just push the 7/8 button it will just lock the doors. previous to lock the door u needed to push both the 7/8 and 9/0 simultaniously. has anyone had this problem with there combination pad. i am thinking of taking it to a lincoln dealer to take a look at it. any ideas are welcome.
well, this is my first look at it.

here goes.. I am betting the keypad is toast. the 9/0 button stuck down. The keyless controller uses a varying voltage from the keypad (depending on which key/keys are pressed) to do its thing. it (the controller) does NOT scan each key like a calulator or computer keyboard is done. with only 5 buttons, it dont make sense to make it that complicated.

so, I am guessing the keypad is bad.

Disconnecting the battery will clear the 2nd code entered (but not the hardwired factory code). it will also reset the controller if its had a hiccup and is acting funny.

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