Kinetik batt Question


Well-Known LVC Member
Sep 1, 2008
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Just found a good deal on an Kinetik hc2000. before i go see it in person, are the manufactured date imprinted on kinetiks or is it imbeded in some serial number. Any tips on testing it or what i should look for to see if its good?

Just emailed the guy back and asked if the battery is in use or has been sitting? Thanks
just take a DMM... If it is good it will be resting around 12 volts
he said battery is 2 years old and has been sitting for a little under a year. He said hes been charging it for a day. I dont know if this guys sounds legit.
Those are strong ass batteries, but any battery sitting without a trickle for almost a year is worth taking a DMM to.

How much is he wanting for it.
he said 125 or obo. Brand new its about 230 on amazon.
any idea about how kinetic dates them? I did some research and didnt find anything. Im very interested in this batt.
I just took a look @ this hc2400 I have here, and there is no date indication.

But once again, it doesn't really matter as these things can last forever. Just check if it has a good resting voltage.
i would also test it after it has been off of the charger for awhile.
i would also test it after it has been off of the charger for awhile.

do you think there can be a chance of the batt not retaining the voltage?

Andrizzle thanks for checking for the date. i tried calling them but theyre closed.
Well if you check the battery right after he takes off the charge, then it won't be a true rested voltage.

Check it after it sits on the concrete for a bit... Like maybe even have him take off the charge before you get there.
ok thanks guys. Im off to work. I think we're meeting up tomorrow.

Yeah so i dont know if you guys remmember that i was in the market for a sub and amp, well i decided and baught a set. Im going with dc for both. Right now the order is in for 12 dcl lvl 4 xl and two of their new 1.2k amps. Wont get until mid July but according to my reasearch and what dc recommeded, the strapped amps should be just right for the xl. Now i just have to reinforce the front of the box. (1/2 ")
I like where you're going with it, but don't get two 1.2s... Just get their 2k.
well my original plan was to run the dc on a hf brutus 2100 and of course the DC rep wasnt having that. He told me he would discount the sub(from a quote i had from another of their reps) by quite a bit if I were to power it with the 2 1.2k's, buying all 3 items as a package. I think they want to get the word out on their new 1.2k.

I was a little confused on one point he made. He said that i would need to get the dual1ohm sub. From the little i know about car audio, the 1 ohm sub can be wired to 2 ohm or .5 ohm. I would of liked to run the sub at 1 ohm. He then said that because the amps are strapped, they will each see 1 ohm? I know nothing about how strapping amps affects the load they see from the sub. I emailed him but probably wont hear back until monday. Any thoughts? I have googled and havnt found info on how it affects the load.
I believe the Kinetiks are Absorbed Glass Matt batteries.
All AGM batteries are succeptible to damage when overcharged.
Check with the seller what the most voltage he's ever put through
it. Find out the duration and how many times he overcharged it.
Overcharging will cause water from the electrolyte to vent
which will lead to an early failure. Rapid charging will also cause
premature failure.

Remember, these batteries do not have a lifetime of operation.
Ten years if used properly. One of the best ways to determine
a used battery's potential is to ask the seller details on how he
used, cared and stored the batteries. Batteries should always be
stored above its float charge and raised off a cold garage floor.

If the seller let the battery sit for an extended period of time, the
battery may have already suffered what is known as calsification.
If that has happened, the damage is irreversable and there is no
way for you to test for it in one visit even if you have a DDM.

The price seems very attractive but be cognisant of its irreversible
potential damage.

They're deep cycle batteries made for abuse most likely the battery is good.

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