LA Times: Obama votes 'Present' on economic plan


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Gotta love the wording, as well as the sheer indecisiveness. I guess that's, what, 131 'present' votes, and counting? :rolleyes:

Obama votes 'Present' on new economic rescue plan for now

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Sen. Barack Obama today met with some of his many economic advisors and made an announcement that he was not going to make an announcement about any new plan to plan plans.

Obama did suggest a bipartisan effort to deal with the financial crisis wreaking havoc on Wall Street, always a good idea for any candidate after the primaries because it sounds good and costs nothing.

But Obama did not present any detailed proposal of his own for how to resolve the monetary situation that has roiled world markets in recent days.

Obama's inaction prompted Jay Leno in his opening monologue tonight on "The Tonight Show" to point out an essential presidential campaign unfairness, that Obama has criticized McCain's economic plan but the Republican can't respond because "nobody knows what it is yet."

After meeting with his top economic advisers, the Democratic presidential candidate said this was not the time to present specific details for how to fix the immediate problem, a reversal from what he had said a day earlier. Nor did he explain when a good time would be to explain such a rescue from the current financial crisis.

"Given the gravity of this situation," Obama said with gravity, "based on conversations I've had with both Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke, I will refrain from presenting a....

...more detailed blueprint about how an immediate plan might be structured until I can fully review details of the plan proposed by the Treasury and Federal Reserve."

Obama added: "I think it's critical at this point that the markets and the public have confidence that their work will be unimpeded by partisan wrangling."

The Illinois senator said the crisis has "not just threatened trading floors and high rises on Wall Street, but the stability and security of our entire global economy."

Obama said the Treasury and Federal Reserve need "as broad authority as is necessary" to stabilize markets and to maintain credit. But he did not detail how broad or what authority.

"I fully support the efforts of Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke to work in a bipartisan spirit with Congress to find a solution," the freshman Illinois senator said.

As he prepared to appear at a campaign rally here, Obama called on his Republican rival, John McCain, to join him in trying to find solutions now.

The McCain campaign didn't solve the financial crisis either today, but did suggest that Obama's non-plan announcement was like him voting "Present" so many times in the Illinois state Senate.

Our blogging buddy John McCormick has more on this non-announcement over there at the Swamp. But McCormick doesn 't have a rescue plan either.

--Andrew Malcolm
So, should we, the taxpayers, demand accountability and transparency at this point?

It is my money that is bailing out this mess. This one little escapade will add 10% to the national debt. And I know someone has made money - and it isn't me, and it isn't those people who are losing their houses, I imagine that the buck will stop somewhere in the vicinity of 20 Broad Street, NYC. And will the people who made money on all of this be held accountable? Probably not - do you know that Neil Bush - who was responsible for over 200 million dollars of the Saving and Loan debt, eventually paid out only $50,000 in fines, and even his attorney's fees were paid for by a defense fund set up by his buddies, who just managed to profit in the little debacle.

Needless to say, 'I' didn't get us into this mess, but, 'I' am going to have to get us out of this mess.

Oh, and all this talk of "present", well, let's look at the 'present'...

The 110th congress (Jan 2007 - Jan 09) numbers are really scary - with McCain - missing 407 votes - or 64 percent and Obama missed 290 votes or 45 percent, the large amount of missed votes this session on both sides is a reflection of the time they have spent running for the presidency.

We got to come up with a better way of electing these guys.

So, in the 109th congress (Jan 2005 - Jan 07) Barack only missed 11 votes - 1.7 percent and McCain missed 58 votes - or 9 percent (however I was very disappointed (but not surprised) to see that Biden missed 64 votes).

'Present' vote in the Illinois State Senate usually means that 'I am for the concept, but the bill is written in such a way that I don't think it will have the desired effect.' Sort of like pleading Nolo contendere - basically a 'no' (or guilty) vote, with cause.

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