laptop tunning


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 6, 2005
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is their any program or cables to run a laptop on board with you to make adjustments via the laptop to the computer? Or is there any that can run the laptop for such things as check engine light etc.?
i dont think there is
i think you have to get a code reader man
theirs no way to connect the laptop to tune a chip, make shift point adjustments things like that?
im not shure i think its best for that stuff to just get a chip man
the new xcalibrator 2 has a USB cable that you can hook it up your laptop and or desktop. but maybe someone here can chime in to confirm it.
JoeyLincolnMK8 said:
the new xcalibrator 2 has a USB cable that you can hook it up your laptop and or desktop. but maybe someone here can chime in to confirm it.
how much can i expect to pay for it? does anyone have this and how good does it work?
so you dont need a chip your saying what about for the 95 continental with OBDII
SCT offers their Pro Racer Package, which is tuning software for a laptop/(regualr PC too if you have one in the garage, i do, its handy!), allows you to either burn a chip or flash the ecu, depending on which version you get.
Grifter said:
SCT offers their Pro Racer Package, which is tuning software for a laptop/(regualr PC too if you have one in the garage, i do, its handy!), allows you to either burn a chip or flash the ecu, depending on which version you get.
u got a link man

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