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Dedicated LVC Member
May 5, 2007
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Breaks my heart to see such a site run into the ground by a bunch of hot heads. No one can say that they were wrong, or let things go. Profanity flying everywhere, no moderation of any type, people wanna beat each other up. Looks real good to people checking the site out for the first time.

I'm outta here, what a disgrace.
Yeah, I am wondering where the moderation is actually, some of the stuff flying around today should have been deleted. I am not leaving but, WOW. No need for the drama.
Breaks my heart to see such a site run into the ground by a bunch of hot heads. No one can say that they were wrong, or let things go. Profanity flying everywhere, no moderation of any type, people wanna beat each other up. Looks real good to people checking the site out for the first time.

I'm outta here, what a disgrace.

Don't do that. This only breaks out once in a while and will die....eventually. I just don't know why people get so carried away, say what you got to but don't to far.

I just ignore most of it, still other threads to participate in.
Lack of moderation is better than an over moderated board, but some would be ok.

I agree 100% as I run one much the same way... HOWEVER there is a point where things go to far, like three threads I can see on the front page. I mean no disrespect and maybe this is just the norm here, I have not been here long enough to know.
Ground Zero don't leave because of a few people who don't know how to behave themselves. Stay and contribute to the community and chat on chat night.
I agree 100% as I run one much the same way... HOWEVER there is a point where things go to far, like three threads I can see on the front page. I mean no disrespect and maybe this is just the norm here, I have not been here long enough to know.

Actually when it gets to fightin words and name callin more than a few times, mods do come around. About a month ago I seen a pretty harmless post get yanked...go figure.
Breaks my heart to see such a site run into the ground by a bunch of hot heads. No one can say that they were wrong, or let things go. Profanity flying everywhere, no moderation of any type, people wanna beat each other up. Looks real good to people checking the site out for the first time.

I'm outta here, what a disgrace.

:( Don't leave the forum....If all the intelligent, knowledgeable people left, There would be nothing but knuckleheads here stroking their egos. ARGUING about crap the means NOTHING:mad:....( I know because I used to argue when I first joined...But sooner or latter we all grow up!!)
I have no clue what the heck anyone is talking about so if you want to have a board with 50 moderators acting like communists and controlling your every word, you are right, this is not the site for you.

We happen to believe in freedom of speech here.

We also believe that people can act like adults and when ther is a problem, situations can usually be resolved when the parties are approached in a manner that respects them.

It is easy to get carried away and be an internet a-hole.

That is why we have an alert icon. You see something 'you' think is inappropriate and you flag it for us mods to come over and see. We take care of things and have been taking care of things for years without any drama.

Some guys are used to heavy handed boards. If you need to be babysat, well, ain't gonna happen here.
I have no clue what the heck anyone is talking about so if you want to have a board with 50 moderators acting like communists and controlling your every word, you are right, this is not the site for you.

We happen to believe in freedom of speech here.

We also believe that people can act like adults and when ther is a problem, situations can usually be resolved when the parties are approached in a manner that respects them.

It is easy to get carried away and be an internet a-hole.

That is why we have an alert icon. You see something 'you' think is inappropriate and you flag it for us mods to come over and see. We take care of things and have been taking care of things for years without any drama.

Some guys are used to heavy handed boards. If you need to be babysat, well, ain't gonna happen here.

I agree with you and I for one havent needed a babysiter for years
also what posts are so bad. For a non heavy handed sight I think that every one is real friendly and respectfull
Well it's not very friendly in the political forum... But what I have learned is that's a different world there and unless you want to be like the politicians and throw a lot of $hit around. Don't go there.

I actually can get along with Fossten when he's out of the political forum LOL...
Check out the last few threads midi_junkie started and you will see. I'm not denying I fueled the fire...but I think the blatant cursing and getting around the language filter is unneccessary for a family friendly site. A few harmless arguements are ok, but when the cursing and threatening starts, then the mods should take care of it.
Site's not being run into the ground.
Yes there are a few conservative heavy hitters here who are firm and passionate but usually not rude.
Have crossed words with fossten, shagdrum, and monstermark myself and quite enjoyed the banter.
Politics is a blood sport so you gotta expect some hard opinions.
If your feelings are easily hurt go post on a girl's site where they'll feel your pain.
They're not talking about the political forum.:shifty:

And the political forum is a different animal and different rules apply there.
The LS forum seams to have the younger guys in it, and some of them definately are giving this site a problem. I too thought about leaving today, but maybe we can change from within...quitting solves nothing.
Some of these threads give luxury car, and Lincoln owners a bit of a know?
Well it's not very friendly in the political forum... But what I have learned is that's a different world there and unless you want to be like the politicians and throw a lot of $hit around. Don't go there.

I actually can get along with Fossten when he's out of the political forum LOL...

Site's not being run into the ground.
Yes there are a few conservative heavy hitters here who are firm and passionate but usually not rude.
Have crossed words with fossten, shagdrum, and monstermark myself and quite enjoyed the banter.
Politics is a blood sport so you gotta expect some hard opinions.
If your feelings are easily hurt go post on a girl's site where they'll feel your pain.

Thanks for the complement. Never knew I was a "conservative heavy hitter".

Your still wrong though. :D :eek:
Thanks for the complement. Never knew I was a "conservative heavy hitter".

Your still wrong though. :D :eek:

Maybe, but so is mainstream america :D

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