Late model Rear Disc brakes design!...


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 22, 2005
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What the hell?!!

Since transferring all of my mods from my old '85 Mark... I noticed my rear brakes sqwaking at crawl speed sometimes. Krikey...sounded like a cheap car horn!

They changed the rear disc caliper design in my newer '91 Mark!! WTF?
The '91 rubber Piston boot is paper thin and I found it all bound up so that the piston wouldn't screw back in properly for new pads! After I finally got it down enough and re-assembled, it leaked :eek: ...I had to order a new one for $65.

I can only assume that the 93 Cobras had this same rear brake design.
What a joke! :yuck:
Also be sure to adjust the rear brakes properly. It is not a simple procedure like most with just putting the new parts in and driving away; there are many steps to be sure that the very tight tolerances are met.
Yeah, you're not kidding. I had to grind the ends of the new pad plate, slightly, to get it to fit in at all.
I also noted that the slot on the piston has to slide over a pin on the plate.
The new caliper works great and it's not honking at me anymore ;)
Awesund said:
Yeah, you're not kidding. I had to grind the ends of the new pad plate, slightly, to get it to fit in at all.
I also noted that the slot on the piston has to slide over a pin on the plate.
The new caliper works great and it's not honking at me anymore ;)
Have you used the emergency brake lately?

It will help to "seat" your new pads.
Hey John...

I was actually afraid but I did last night.
Doing it at least once a week keeps them adjusted and gives you the piece of mind that you've tested them in a safe environment like your driveway or an empty parking lot.

It also gives me a cheap excuse to voice another of my neurosis :)

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