Latest Religious Messages


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May 13, 2007
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[FONT=VERDANA, HELVETICA]Latest Religious Messages [/FONT]

[FONT=VERDANA, HELVETICA]David Cerullo came to prominence after purchasing the television studios abandoned by Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and established what is perhaps the boldest of all Christian "prosperity gospel" ministries (that pays him an annual base salary of $1.52 million). With his father, semi-retired Pentecostal preacher Morris Cerullo, they assure followers that the more they give, the more God will return to them. In a recent TV spot, Morris, speaking first in tongues and then addressing the currently credit-challenged: "When you (donate), the windows of heaven ... open for you ... 100 fold." "Debt cancellation!" (The on-screen message: "Call now with your $900 offering and receive God's debt cancellation!") [Charlotte Observer, 5-23-09] [/FONT]
Must have a lot of those conservative earth revolves around the sun crowd as members.
PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute.
With examples like this it's no wonder religious people are regarded with suspicion.

Then there's this Gem:

In September, a judge in Stuart, Fla., was about to sentence pastor Rodney McGill for real estate fraud, but McGill was undaunted, addressing a courtroom prayer for his enemies: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, for every witness called against me, I pray cancer in their lives, lupus, brain tumor, pancreatic cancer." The judge then sentenced him to 20 years in prison. [South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 9-9-09]

Looks like he was the cancer in some peoples lives.
It is very sad to me that people twist what the Bible actually says to fit their own agenda. Most TV evangelist are great examples of this.
Must have a lot of those conservative earth revolves around the sun crowd as members.
PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute.
With examples like this it's no wonder religious people are regarded with suspicion.
The exception doesn't prove the rule. Do you paint all religions with that broad brush? Can we now, according to your logic, say that it's no wonder nobody trusts muslims because of 9/11?
The exception doesn't prove the rule. Do you paint all religions with that broad brush? Can we now, according to your logic, say that it's no wonder nobody trusts muslims because of 9/11?

I thought we put all the religious people in internment camps.
I thought we put all the religious people in internment camps.

Did you hear that when you were going to to your pretend church to hear the pretend children singing, around the corner from your pretend law office?
The exception doesn't prove the rule. Do you paint all religions with that broad brush? Can we now, according to your logic, say that it's no wonder nobody trusts muslims because of 9/11?

These 2 anecdotes were from today's News of the Weird
so it's part of stuff considered weird.

When a nation has 1 in 5 people who believe the sun revolves around the earth (which I find myself incredulous about)

I just figured most of them were conservatives or at least part of the "Proudly Untutored"
How many liberals do you think are part of that 20%?

This many millions of people are are easy prey(pray?) for hucksters like the Cerullos and other
former and current preachers who exploit religion to play on dim peoples trust and ignorance for their own greed and self aggrandizement..

And I would say that Yes because of 9/11 deep down inside nobody in the western world really trusts the Muslims.
Until then no one considered Muslims a threat of some kind or even thought about them much at all.

9/11 showed the world the power religious nonsense can wield.

The other 80% of the people are sane and rational but it's that crazy 20% we have to regard with suspicion.

And all religions have their weird silly stuff like turbans,hats, skullcaps,
food rules, rituals etc. that have nothing to do with creation and the creator.
How can any of this stuff and the people who practice it be taken seriously beyond mock respect?
It's foolish to frame this as a left/right issue...
I can point out Scientologists, black muslims, ect who embrace wackiness.

And it's foolish to mock religion,
religious beliefs are merely an example of faith, not the only demonstration of it. And that same kind of exploited devotion can be seen by atheists and agnostics.

This is an especially valid point when you have the treatment of our current President as though he were the messiah, here to solve all the ills of the world. Blind faith can, and often will be, abused, regardless the ideology or religious stance.
"How can any of this stuff and the people who practice it be taken seriously beyond mock respect?"

Wow... That's a pretty bold statement.

"I just figured most of them were conservatives or at least part of the "Proudly Untutored"
How many liberals do you think are part of that 20%?"

Come down to the Dept of Job and Family Services where I work and see how many liberals are part of that 20%. Most of the people we service are as liberal as they come.

I won't defend TV preachers but you really can't lump all of Christianity or religions into one ball.
won't defend TV preachers but you really can't lump all of Christianity or religions into one ball.

I am being provocative to stimulate some interesting convesation :)
and have said 80% of the people are sane; it's the other 20% we have to watch out for, regardless of the people or religion.
And it's foolish to mock religion,
religious beliefs are merely an example of faith, not the only demonstration of it. And that same kind of exploited devotion can be seen by atheists and agnostics.

But their faith is something that relates only to them and to nothing in the natural rational universe.
Are you seperating religion from creation of the universe?
I regard zealot athiests who carry their beliefs on their sleaves with suspicion as well.
None of us can be certain if there is an afterlife until we pass.
Why be the party pooper bringing up the certainty of death and our meaninglessnes in the universe and have people tell you they feel sorry for you as you go through life.
Well there's all types.
This is an especially valid point when you have the treatment of our current President as though he were the messiah, here to solve all the ills of the world. Blind faith can, and often will be, abused, regardless the ideology or religious stance.

Obama hasn't accomplished much beyond awards and platitudes.
If anything he seems to lack balls.
If you guys can keep him tied down for the next year (which doesn't seem too hard) he's finished.
Hey, Let's go see how Going Rogue is going to do and what it will do to Sarah Palin once we actually get our hands on it....

I am being provocative to stimulate some interesting convesation :)
and have said 80% of the people are sane; it's the other 20% we have to watch out for, regardless of the people or religion.

unfortunately it's the 20% that make the news and that gives ALL religions a bad name
religious beliefs are merely an example of faith,
you don't need religion to have faith. it's just too bad some won't use what senses they put in faith to figure out when they're being yanked.
it's unfortunate there always comes a bad side from good.

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