Launch shots os the Satellite.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Southern New Jersey.
Got the sled standing up and launching hard & straight. My friend Chris took these at the Modifiers event at Atco last Month. I just got them from him.



Yes VERY. They are MT ET Streets. Basically wrinkle wall slicks with the minimum amount of tread needed for the minimum DOT approval.
Very cool.

I can hear the rear leafs screaming from here.

The slight front tire lift rocks. Doing it on street tires in a street race is the only thing cooler than at the track.
Their super stock springs. They are made to unload the car niceley and they do. Best thing weve done for the launch. She only has 3.91 gears too. Id love to put in some 56's!!! Not very streetable though with any more gear. I can at least run down the highway at 70+ all day at 3600 r's.

The looks on people faces when your doing highway speeds next to them in their Volvo wagon Diving this ear splitting behemoth, PRICELESS.
Last edited by a moderator: its right like that, still odd to see for me.

There was a Mopar at my track seriously twisting the rear and when I saw the leafs do that I honestly thought it was going to poke its driveshaft into the trunk. He may have been equiped similar, but it wasn't very fast and I think he was just beating on crap springs.

I destroyed 2 u-joints on my 76 Mustang within a few days trying to dial in the carb after a motor rebuild before I realized I was twisting the axle soooo bad that the pinion was nearly kissin the floor. So thats what I think of whan I see that.
Wow. Thats cool. So I'm thinking the front section of the spring actually isn't actually deflecting like the rear...I see.

Scares me to think how far my axle was twisting to kill a u-joint, twice, after only a few gas starved WOTs.

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