Lawnmower won't start


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Ft. Campbell
I moved into a new house last week, I pulled my lawnmower out the shed and tried to start it, it didnt start, so I primed it, still no start, i pulled the gas filter cleaned it and checked the spark plug, still won't start. I havent used it in over two years, what else can I check?
You need three things for a lawnmower to run:

1. Air. Check
2. Spark... Are you sure it's firing when you try to start it?
3. Fuel... 2 Years in a lawnmower, you might have stale gas in the tank. If not stale, is there gas going through the carburetor?
take the carb off and clean it all out with carb cleaner, most likely after sitting for so long, the carb is all gummed up inside. i use my mower often and i still have to do this about twice a year, p.o.s sears craftsman mower.
You need three things for a lawnmower to run:

1. Air. Check
2. Spark... Are you sure it's firing when you try to start it?
3. Fuel... 2 Years in a lawnmower, you might have stale gas in the tank. If not stale, is there gas going through the carburetor?

how can i tell if it is firing, i pulled it and looked at it, and how do i drain the gas?
take the carb off and clean it all out with carb cleaner, most likely after sitting for so long, the carb is all gummed up inside. i use my mower often and i still have to do this about twice a year, p.o.s sears craftsman mower.

Alright it shouldn't be too hard right?
Unscrew the spark plug and hold it in one hand, yank the cord with the other. You will know if its getting spark or not.
Unscrew the spark plug and hold it in one hand, yank the cord with the other. You will know if its getting spark or not.

Is that like holding the compass to a headlight to recharge it, or changing out winter air in the HUMVEE tire?
I am a Soldier, not a Marine! LOL:D
FYI-Always use stabil any time you store your mower or snowblower for the season. Put some in and run it for a few minutes to get the treated gas into the carb. Saves lots of headaches when you bring them out the first of the season.
Yeah when I was about 10 my dad had me do that to see if his mower was getting spark....

It was. :eek:
Pull the spark plug out and spray Starting Fluid in the cylinder and put the spark plug back in.
See if it fires for a second.
Pull the spark plug out and spray Starting Fluid in the cylinder and put the spark plug back in.
See if it fires for a second.

or just pull the air filter and give it a shot in there, hell anything that is flammable will work, i have to do this when i first use mine after winter. ive even used rubbing alcohol :D
pull the spark plug out and rest it against something metal on the mower, when you pull it you should see the arc runing across the gap.
Yeah when I was about 10 my dad had me do that to see if his mower was getting spark....

It was. :eek:
My boss said his dad did that to someone, but it was an outboard motor instead of a mower. The only problem with that particular joke was that they were in the middle of the lake when he tried it, so the next sounds he heard were a loud "YEOW!" followed by the distinct "plop" of the plug hitting the water...:eek:

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