Leans to the left


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I found an older thread about the majority of mark's having a slightly lower stance on the drivers side. I found it interesting and just wanted to bring the subject up again.


My Mark's alway's been this way, even with the conversion. The only time i've been able to level out the rear is when I put in new prothane isolators on the drivers side and left the older soft ones on the pass side. It bothers me. The diff is roughly 1/2" but it's still noticable looking at it from the rear.

I actually just wanted to bring this up to those of you that are a little ocd and never noticed before.
Battery is on the left, the bulk of the wiring, brake booster, master cylinder, ABS, steering column, all adds up to the driver's side being a bit heavier....
the asham8 lets you fine tune left, right, and rear settings

I made sure everything was even, then again that was something like 6 years ago so who knows now
the asham8 lets you fine tune left, right, and rear settings

I made sure everything was even, then again that was something like 6 years ago so who knows now

If you're trying to make me jealous....It worked.
I am on springs and mine leans to the driver side with no one in it. about 1/2 inch
Mine leaned w/ the airride. I haven't noticed it YET since the spring conversion... but now my ocd is going to possess me to look into this when I get home...
Battery is on the left, the bulk of the wiring, brake booster, master cylinder, ABS, steering column, all adds up to the driver's side being a bit heavier....

It only effect's the rear drivers side though. My front's are both at 26" give or take an 1/8".
Thought i'd bump this up since I'll be playing back there this weekend.

This still drives me nuts. Fronts are equal @ 26", RR is 26.5", LR is 26. Drivers side rear fender is flush with the top of the tire, I can fit a finger in the pass side rear.

Both rear irs bracket mount bushing have been in various states of junk with no effect on height.

The drivers side rear has always been .5" lower, I'm almost certain it was the same way when I was on air. No amount of adjusting equals them out. If I raise lower one side or the other the opposite side will do the same.

Any new insight? Still trying to convince myself this is normal. :(

Does yours?
mine has always been the opposite. The front drivers side always sat higher, even after the spring conversion, not as pronounced as with original air ride but still a bit higher.

driveway is level side to side


this is how it always sat with air ride. had it aligned a few times and no change


I thought mine was the only one that leaned. Fixed it a few years ago, can't remember which side but made minor mod adjustment on the rear swaybar endlinks.

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