Leaving for the 4th


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
I'll be leaving soon for the 4th Holiday. So mespock is signing off for a few days.

Time to soak up the sun, do a little swimming play some cards.

Going to northern Wisconsin to meet up with all my Illinois friends who invade Northern Wisconsin every weekend. So if any of you IL members see a Champagne Mark VIII it's me LOL

Hope everyone has fun and play it safe. With one of my favorite comments to my High School Track Athletes before Prom ----
Have Fun but "Don't be Stupid"
I'll be heading through Wisconsin in a few weeks on my way to the UP of Michigan. Won't be in my Mark though, taking the GF's Monte Carlo. (Her dog is not allowed in my car, damn hairy ass Huskies)
Have fun Rich. Maybe you'll meet a few conservatives from the flatland who will put a little sense back into that thick skull of yours.
no matter where i go i have to say im outa here but online with my laptop
hey any one ever try to hook up a Laptop to there car
Have fun mespock, youcan check out mt favorite forum when you get back.

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