Lesbian Bondage Club and the RNC


Dedicated LVC Member
Sep 8, 2008
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You know, it really doesn't get any better than this. The Dems must think they have died and gone to PR heaven...

'Bondage-gate' spurs donor drain for RNC
Brett Michael Dykes is a national affairs writer for Yahoo! News

It's not bad enough that, for some time forward, the words "Republican National Committee" will be the most frequent phrase surfacing in online search terms using the words "West Hollywood bondage club." Now leaders of the RNC have to contend with the defection of key constituencies from the committee's donor base.

The RNC had hoped that the fallout from the scandal known as "bondage-gate" would blow over when it fired Allison Meyers, the staffer who put in for reimbursed expenses for a January outing at the Voyeur sex club. Meyers had been entertaining members of the RNC's Young Eagles—i.e., conservative donors under the age of 45. Her dismissal came a day after the Daily Caller, a conservative website, published an expose of questionable RNC expenditures.

But that personnel move still hasn't quelled criticism in conservative movement circles. The latest blow to RNC morale: Tony Perkins—the head of the influential Family Research Council—has called on supporters to stop giving money to the RNC in the wake of the scandal.

"This latest incident is another indication to me that the RNC is completely tone-deaf to the values and concerns of a large number of people from whom they seek financial support," he wrote on the group's website. "I've hinted at this before, but now I am saying it—don't give money to the RNC. If you want to put money into the political process, and I encourage you to do so, give directly to candidates who you know reflect your values."


In an effort to stop the bleeding, the RNC mounted its own PR counteroffensive: Its communications director, Doug Heye, leaked information about the Democratic National Committee's fundraising expenditures. But when those outlays turned out to be for gatherings at high-end hotels in Las Vegas, Miami, and Beverly Hills—with nothing as damning as a topless bondage floor show—the leaked documents failed to generate any outrage. Indeed, the Democrats, more than happy to keep the story circulating, asked for more. "If Republicans want to compare our spending to their spending and allow us to say 'Michael Steele approved spending money at a Hollywood sex club' a few more times—that's fine with us," DNC spokesman Hari Sevugen said in a statement released to reporters.

But wait - it could get better...

Meanwhile, the RNC has also pulled the plug on most pending Young Eagles events, including a controversial gathering at the training center of the government contractor formerly known as Blackwater. And it seems like the RNC's sex-themed trials are not going to let up anytime soon: Politico writer Ben Smith has reported today that an RNC mailer mimicking the format of a census form mistakenly included a phone number that redirects callers to a service providing phone sex conversations with "real local students, housewives and working girls from all over the country" for $2.99 a minute.

Nope, not really, there is very little that beats RNC money going to lesbian bondage clubs...
Except, perhaps, the wallerin' aroun' in the gutter that it takes to find such stuff.

I've tried to maintain the idea that you, although a little on the liberal side, were really a sorta 'middle-of-the-road-er'. Do I have to change my attitude? C'mon Luv!!!
Most leftists who claim to be "middle-of-the-road" are, in fact, not at all "middle-of-the-road". They are not honest about the radical nature of their ideology; even to themselves.

Jonah Goldberg spell out why this is towards the end of his book; Liberal Fascism;
...the liberal fascist project can be characterized as the effort to delegitimize good dogma by claiming that all dogma is bad.

...The unique threat of today's left-wing political religions is precisely that they claim to be free from dogma...They eschew "ideological" concerns. Therefore they make it impossible to argue with their most basic ideas and exceedingly difficult to expose the totalitarian temptations residing in their hearts. They have a dogma, but they put it out of bounds. Instead they force us to argue with their intentions, their motives, their feeling....Liberals therefore control the argument without either explaining where they want to end up or having to account for where they've been. They've succeeded where the fascist intellectuals ultimately failed, making passion and activism the measure of political virtue, and motives more important then facts.
Polls have consistently shown that this is a right of center nation. So, to enact an agenda that is incompatible with the classical liberal framework this nation was founded on and who's population is generally opposed to that agenda at a philosophical level, it is best to eschew all political philosophy and present your ideas as simply pragmatic. That is what most any leftist source tends to do ; Mahr, Stewart, Olberman, etc.

This rhetorical trick has been going on for so long on the left that most leftist today don't even realize it. They simply accept certain viewpoints as dogma thus making certain policies seem pragmatic. Hence, people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are demonized and besmirched by the left because Beck, Limbaugh, etc. expose the dogma upon which liberal views are based and that dogma is not open to discussion; it is "out of bounds" to quote Goldberg.

This is the category foxpaws falls into, I believe. She has demonstrated that she doesn't really understand nor has any genuine interest in examining the philosophical assumptions upon which all politics is based. She has stated on numerous occasions how she "doesn't have to think" about some of those assumptions, they just "are", in her view. When she does engage those assumptions (from any point of view), she intentionally confused the issue. The recent "Glenn Beck/social justice" thread is a prime example.
The high profile nature of this story falls inline with the Democrats persistent effort to separate the Republican party from their religious base. It's similar in strategy as the effort to alienate religious conservatives from Glenn Beck. Don't be fooled, there is NOTHING middle of the road about Foxpaws. She's as loyal and committed to her political movement as anyone you'll ever meet. The fact that you thought otherwise only demonstrates how well she's doing it.

In the case of the RNC, it really doesn't matter. Most people are disgusted with the RNC already anyway. Money donated to the RNC is going to Charlie Crist in Florida, John McCain in Arizona, and other liberal progressive Republicans running in their primaries.

Donations need to wait until after these primaries.
You know, it really doesn't get any better than this. The Dems must think they have died and gone to PR heaven...
Quite right. This is more along the lines of Democrats than Republicans. Hell, I'd expect you to welcome the RNC aboard. After all, it's you liberals who blur the lines of morality and say there's no right or wrong. So why is this a cause for ridicule? What's the matter, not a big fan of Barney Frank and his private brothel?
Ultimately, any of these scandals go to the fact that power corrupts.
So why would anyone want to expand and centralize the power to rule our lives and steal our freedom in Washington, D.C.?
Except, perhaps, the wallerin' aroun' in the gutter that it takes to find such stuff.

I've tried to maintain the idea that you, although a little on the liberal side, were really a sorta 'middle-of-the-road-er'. Do I have to change my attitude? C'mon Luv!!!

Well Ken, sweets, I actually was sort of relieved it wasn't the Dems on this one - we are sort of known for our party ways... ;)

You know the saying - Republican boys date Democratic girls, but marry Republican women...

However, the story (and Cal) sort of have a good point - I never give funds to the party any more - just to candidates directly. When you give to the party they spread the funds around and you end up supporting someone like Pelosi, with some of your funds. And I certainly have no desire to support her campaigns - yuk.

But, heck - it is good to see the Republicans join in the fun of gutter wallowing... You need a little escapism in politics every now and then, and a good ol' lesbian bondage floor show sex scandal just sort of hits the spot about now...

Well Ken, sweets, I actually was sort of relieved it wasn't the Dems on this one - we are sort of known for our party ways... ;)
Watch out Ken, she called you 'sweets.' That's the kiss of death. Trust me, she doesn't mean it. :rolleyes:
But, heck - it is good to see the Republicans join in the fun of gutter wallowing... You need a little escapism in politics every now and then, and a good ol' lesbian bondage floor show sex scandal just sort of hits the spot about now...
Oooohhhh look, suddenly the tone changes, and you're in favor of this sort of activity. How convenient - post a story without stating your opinion, and then when the reaction isn't the one you want, namely a defensive one, you can easily switch gears and pretend that you were just applauding the Republicans.

Only problem is - we all see right through your hypocrisy.

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