Let's see if this hits the news tonight.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
New Iraq report: 15 of 18 benchmarks satisfactory

WASHINGTON (AP) - No matter who is elected president in November, his foreign policy team will have to deal with one of the most frustrating realities in Iraq: the slow pace with which the government in Baghdad operates.
Iraq's political and military success is considered vital to U.S. interests, whether troops stay or go. And while the Iraqi government has made measurable progress in recent months, the pace at which it's done so has been achingly slow.

The White House sees the progress in a particularly positive light, declaring in a new assessment to Congress that Iraq's efforts on 15 of 18 benchmarks are "satisfactory"—almost twice of what it determined to be the case a year ago. The May 2008 report card, obtained by the Associated Press, determines that only two of the benchmarks—enacting and implementing laws to disarm militias and distribute oil revenues—are unsatisfactory.
Wait...are you saying that Iraq is going well?!

That can't be! People with BDS need to have a justification for their irrational hatred.

cue the cricket sound effect while the liberals quickly struggle to think of something to say-

now cue the out of left field, unrelated, criticism designed to distract from the progress... something like "Yeah, well what about the price of fuel?" or a "But we still haven't caught Bin Laden." Or something to that effect.
Wait...are you saying that Iraq is going well?!

That can't be! People with BDS need to have a justification for their irrational hatred.


Not at all. Iraq has clearly improved now that Rumsfeld and the other YES men are out of the way.
How can you fit this story in with all the more important stories on CNN's homepage

Note: These are supposedly "news" stories of national importance

Latest News

* Killing spree suspect caught in Illinois 47 min
* Florida executes child killer after moratorium
* Woman dies on hospital waiting room floor
* Search for girl leads to charges in other case
* U.S. takes Mandela off terror watch lists
* Fortune: Starbucks to close 600 stores
* Martin: Was burglary worth killing 2 men?
* New evidence collected in 1946 lynching case
* Ticker: Obama nixes famous 'fist bump':D
* Obama, McCain in a statistical dead heat
* Hostin: It's Naked Cowboy, 1; naked M&M, 0
* Toilet-trained chimp on the loose in California
* SI: Bonds' 756th HR lands in Hall of Fame -- finally
* WABC: Ex-cop allegedly ran fake academy
* iReport.com: Wildfire spreads in Greece
* Man struck by lightning, says 'it hurt'
* Class ring returned in chance meeting
* Study finds many sunscreens lacking
* Town pushes to legalize golf carts
* CNN Wire: Mine collapse in China kills 18
How can you fit this story in with all the more important stories on CNN's homepage

Note: These are supposedly "news" stories of national importance

Latest News

* Killing spree suspect caught in Illinois 47 min
* Florida executes child killer after moratorium
* Woman dies on hospital waiting room floor
* Search for girl leads to charges in other case
* U.S. takes Mandela off terror watch lists
* Fortune: Starbucks to close 600 stores
* Martin: Was burglary worth killing 2 men?
* New evidence collected in 1946 lynching case
* Ticker: Obama nixes famous 'fist bump':D
* Obama, McCain in a statistical dead heat
* Hostin: It's Naked Cowboy, 1; naked M&M, 0
* Toilet-trained chimp on the loose in California
* SI: Bonds' 756th HR lands in Hall of Fame -- finally
* WABC: Ex-cop allegedly ran fake academy
* iReport.com: Wildfire spreads in Greece
* Man struck by lightning, says 'it hurt'
* Class ring returned in chance meeting
* Study finds many sunscreens lacking
* Town pushes to legalize golf carts
* CNN Wire: Mine collapse in China kills 18

True...success in Iraq is no where near as important as those stories.
Not at all. Iraq has clearly improved now that Rumsfeld and the other YES men are out of the way.
Translation: "[Fill in the blank] in spite of Bush!"

In other words: It's still all Bush's fault!


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