Lewis "Scooter" Libby


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A steamy novel by Lewis "Scooter" Libby has become a hot item now that Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff is under indictment.

An inscribed copy of "The Apprentice: A Novel," which Libby wrote in 1996 when he was a relative unknown outside Washington, was on sale on online bookseller Amazon.com on Monday for $2,400. Unsigned hardcover copies were going for $700.

Now out of print, the novel tells the story of an innkeeper apprentice in a bizarre coming-of-age story set in Japan in 1903. It is littered with edgy sexual material and strong language.

"Wow, who would have thought that clean living, family values man Scooter Libby was capable of writing such filth," said one reviewer on Amazon. Another Amazon reviewer noted its "lavish dollops of voyeurism, bestiality, pedophilia and corpse robbery."

Libby was charged last month with perjury in a special prosecutor's probe into how a CIA operative's identity was leaked to journalists.

Libby's writing skills also happened to be displayed in a widely published letter to reporter Judith Miller of The New York Times that showed a flair for literary allusion and ambiguity.

"Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them," he wrote to Miller as she sat in jail earlier this year for refusing to reveal Libby's identity as a source.
mespock said:
"Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them," he wrote to Miller as she sat in jail earlier this year for refusing to reveal Libby's identity as a source.
Love it.
"Wow, who would have thought that clean living, family values man Scooter Libby was capable of writing such filth," said one reviewer on Amazon. Another Amazon reviewer noted its "lavish dollops of voyeurism, bestiality, pedophilia and corpse robbery"

If pedophilia, bestiality and corpse robbery doesn't indicate 'moral decay', I don't know what does.

Can anyone verify with 100% certainty that he actually wrote this book and it contains such said topics? Otherwise, I'm sure this will be labeled under 'Liberal Name Calling' in here.
95DevilleNS said:
Can anyone verify with 100% certainty that he actually wrote this book and it contains such said topics? Otherwise, I'm sure this will be labeled under 'Liberal Name Calling' in here.

No no...You called him "Lewis 'Scooter' Libby"...you're already name calling you liberal wacko!!! LIBERAL NAME CALLER!!!
"Scooter", what a nick-name. When I was a kid, when our dog got an itchy butt, it would........... well, we nick-named it "scooter" too.
Is this a political topic?
I'm not sure what is being discussed here.
Topic is, did Libby write a book that contained pedophilia, bestiality and corpse robbery among other immoral things.

I did some searching around, the book was written and it was published. It didn't do well and quickly went out of print. Apparently the topics of incest, pedophilia & bestiality are written heavily throughout the book. Sounds disgusting to me.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

"At age 10 the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest."
If Clinton's experience is any criteria, Libby should run for President. The liberals would surely vote for him by the busload.
fossten said:
If Clinton's experience is any criteria, Libby should run for President. The liberals would surely vote for him by the busload.

First off, the Lewinsky fiasco happened after he was elected. Second, you're putting adultery in the same league as pedophilia, bestiality and incest, which is sick. Third, he is a top ranking official in the CONSERVATIVE party, your party.

(Just shows that anytime someone of your party is caught doing something potentialy wrong, you somehow involve Clinton.)
95DevilleNS said:
First off, the Lewinsky fiasco happened after he was elected. Second, you're putting adultery in the same league as pedophilia, bestiality and incest, which is sick. Third, he is a top ranking official in the CONSERVATIVE party, your party.

(Just shows that anytime someone of your party is caught doing something potentialy wrong, you somehow involve Clinton.)

1. Ah, but you forget Gennifer Flowers!!!

2. Libby didn't DO it, he only wrote about it. Clinton DID it.

3. So what?

Boy you guys get testy whenever somebody cracks a joke about Clinton. Must really hit the nail on the head.
fossten said:
1. Ah, but you forget Gennifer Flowers!!!

2. Libby didn't DO it, he only wrote about it. Clinton DID it.

3. So what?

Boy you guys get testy whenever somebody cracks a joke about Clinton. Must really hit the nail on the head.

Blah blah blah... Like I said, if you want to put adultery in the same league and pedophilia, bestiality and incest, that’s your own sickness you have to deal with. Libby didn’t do it, ya ok, but someone that writes about pedophilia in a fictional account is a sick bastard, it’s not like he was writing a history book about the atrocities of the world. He wrote a fantasy book about pedophilia, incest and 10 year old girls being raped by bears. You seriously want to defend him on this? Seriously?

I don't care if you joke about Clinton; go ahead, the guy has been out of office for nearly six years. What's funny is how you in particular blame every misdeed the Bush admin has done on it somehow relating to Clinton’s shortcomings.
I don't get the connection either. I rate GWB based on his performance to date.

BTW, I heard today that Scooter's boss has an approval rating of 19%. Another great BuSh pick. If he leaves office for "health" reasons whose hand will be up the puppet's butt?
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2005 11:50 a.m. EST

Patrick Fitzgerald Ignored Witnesses who Contradicted Wilson

Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's Leakgate investigation is coming unraveled, as witness after witness steps forward to challenge a key premise of his controversial probe.

Was the identity of Joseph Wilson's wife Valerie Plame really a deep dark secret before she was "outed" by columnist Robert Novak in July 2003?

The number of witnesses now saying "No" has climbed to four - and none of them have apparently been interviewed by Fitzgerald's investigators.

On Wednesday, Wayne Simmons, a 27-year veteran at the CIA, told Fox News Radio: "As most people now know, [Plame] was traipsed all over Washington many years ago by Joe Wilson and introduced at embassies and other parties as 'my CIA wife.'"

Last week, Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely told WABC Radio's John Batchelor that during a 2002 conversation with Wilson while the two waited to appear on a TV show, Wilson casually mentioned that his wife worked at "the Agency."

In Oct. 2003, NBC's diplomatic correspondent, Andrea Mitchell, told CNBC that Plame's occupation "was widely known among those of us who cover the intelligence community and who were actively engaged in trying to track down who among the foreign service community was the envoy to Niger."

Mitchell added: "So a number of us began to pick up on that."

And in Sept. 2003, NationalReviewOnline's Cliff May wrote that when Plame's CIA connection was mentioned in Novak's column - "That wasn't news to me."

"I had been told that [Plame was CIA] - but not by anyone working in the White House. Rather, I learned it from someone who formerly worked in the government and he mentioned it in an offhand manner, leading me to infer it was something that insiders were well aware of."

The day his report appeared, May told the Fox News Channel's John Gibson: "I knew this, and a lot of other people knew it."

In fact, rumors now swirl around Washington that Plame used to take her friends to lunch at the CIA's cafeteria.

So what has Mr.Fitzgerald - who was hailed as a "prosecutor's prosecutor" only weeks ago - done with the avalanche of testimony that contradicts his stated claim that Plame's job "was not widely known"?

Apparently nothing.

In the six days since he's gone public, Gen. Vallely says prosecutors have yet to contact him.

Ms. Mitchell has been mum since her "widely known" comment resurfaced last week, offering no indication whether Fitzgerald has bothered to check her story out.

If Mr. May has been interrogated, he's also keeping it to himself.

And Mr. Simmons has made no mention of any contact with Fitzgerald's team.

On the other hand, the prosecutor's prosecutor made a big show of interviewing two of the Wilsons neighbors just four days before he announced his indictment of Lewis Libby - in a bid to establish whether Ms. Plame's occupation was indeed secret.

It was, as far as her neighbors were concerned. But the revelation that Fitzgerald had waited till the last minute to confirm such a key aspect of his case raised more than a few eyebrows.

Now, with four witnesses on the record saying they knew what the Wilsons' neighbors didn't - and two of those witnesses coming forward even before the Leakgate investigation began - it's beginning to look like Mr. Fitzgerald deliberately ignored critical testimony that would have compelled him to close up shop well before he ever got to Mr. Libby.

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