Liberal Left in America Aborting Themselves out of Power


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Apr 24, 2005
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More unintended consequences from Roe v. Wade:

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Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2006 12:46 a.m. EDT

Liberal 'Fertility Gap' Should Worry Democrats

Liberals frantic to have the Democratic Party recapture the Congress in November are casting their nets far and wide to haul in a new catch of young voters for future elections.

If fertility statistics are considered, that catch has to be a disappointment for liberals because there are fewer and fewer young liberal voters in the electoral sea.

The reason? According to Arthur C. Brooks, writing in Tuesday’s Opinion Journal, it’s the "fertility gap" – the dramatically falling birth rate in this country.

Liberals, he writes, "have a big baby problem. They're not having enough of them, they haven't for a long time, and their pool of potential new voters is suffering as a result.”

Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Public Affairs and the author of the forthcoming book "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism," cites the 2004 General Social Survey as proof that liberals are vanishing. The survey reveals if you picked 100 unrelated politically liberal adults at random, you would find that they had, between them, 147 children. If, on the other hand, you picked 100 conservatives, you would find 208 kids - a "fertility gap" of a whopping 41 percent.

"Given that about 80 percent of people with an identifiable party preference grow up to vote the same way as their parents, this gap translates into lots more little Republicans than little Democrats to vote in future elections,” Brooks writes. "Over the past 30 years this gap has not been below 20 percent - explaining, to a large extent, the current ineffectiveness of liberal youth voter campaigns today.”

And the news gets worse for the prospects of a lot of new little lefties arriving on the scene: The fertility gap is widening by more than half a percentage point per year.

Here's a peek into the future:

Ohio, a state that was split 50-50 between left and right in 2004, will tilt right by 2012, 54 percent to 46 percent. By 2020, it will be certifiably right wing, 59 percent to 41 percent.

California, currently 55-45 in favor of liberals, will be 54-46 in favor of conservatives by 2020 - and all for no other reason than multiple births from family-friendly conservatives.
Conservative Republican families, a majority of whom are pro-life and religious, tend to have more children, whereas more liberal voters, many of whom are unmarried and who support abortion, tend to have less.

The suicidal impulse behind the liberal failure to reproduce was viewed by a liberal newspaper columnist quoted by Brooks as a symbol of liberal compassion and conscience: "Maybe the scales are tipping to the neoconservative, homogenous right in our culture simply because they tend not to give much of a damn for the ramifications of wanton breeding and environmental destruction and pious sanctimony, whereas those on the left actually seem to give a whit for the health of the planet and the dire effects of overpopulation."

Writes Brooks: "It would appear liberals have been quite successful controlling overpopulation - in the Democratic Party . . .

"All things considered, if the Democrats continue to appeal to liberals and the Republicans to conservatives, getting out the youth vote may be increasingly an exercise in futility for the American left."
That's it, I'm going to reproduce so much my wife will need to have her hips replaced before she's 40!
It's all my fault. I didn't breed. It wasn't about ecology. It's that I'm selfish and I didn't want to share my toys. I don't miss not having children a whit!

I can hear it now, "Selfish Liberal". Not so, I was clearly in the Republican camp before BuSh came along. The party changed, I didn't.
barry2952 said:
I can hear it now, "Selfish Liberal". Not so, I was clearly in the Republican camp before BuSh came along. The party changed, I didn't.
Man, I would love to see your voting record because I don't believe that one whit. You sure your parents didn't have you neutured so that you couldn't have kids?:D
fossten said:
"All things considered, if the Democrats continue to appeal to liberals and the Republicans to conservatives, getting out the youth vote may be increasingly an exercise in futility for the American left."
Remember the 'get out the youth' drive in '04. MTV and all that crap. The liberals tried everything in the world including bald-face lying and they still couldn't beat Georgy.
95DevilleNS said:
That's it, I'm going to reproduce so much my wife will need to have her hips replaced before she's 40!
Trust me, after 3, then tend to slide right out. Plop!
So you're saying that the stupid hicks on welfare (after all, those people tend to be the ones with a lot of kids, and tend to be stupid) are screwing a lot more than the liberals?
I don't think Liberals have less sex than others, they've just figured out that spitting out an abundance of children isn't good for anyone.

I don't think Democrats have anything to worry about as Republicans are switching parties in droves. You'll see that in '08 for sure.
Republicans aren't "switching parties in droves."

There's a segment of the uninformed, disintrested "center" that tips back and forth off the fence, determined by the media coverage and what they "heard." That never changes.

There is frustration with the Republican party, but no one is leaving it for the failed socialist and appeasement policies of the DNC, now lead by Howard Dean and the left.
Calabrio said:
Republicans aren't "switching parties in droves."

There's a segment of the uninformed, disintrested "center" that tips back and forth off the fence, determined by the media coverage and what they "heard." That never changes.

There is frustration with the Republican party, but no one is leaving it for the failed socialist and appeasement policies of the DNC, now lead by Howard Dean and the left.

I disagree, many staunch Republicans are digusted with GWB's misuse of funds and his handling of the war in Iraq and Afghanastan. That frustration filters through the whole party. You guys that continue to support GWB amaze me.
barry2952 said:
I disagree, many staunch Republicans are digusted with GWB's misuse of funds and his handling of the war in Iraq and Afghanastan. That frustration filters through the whole party. You guys that continue to support GWB amaze me.

I have two points for you:

It's not only unwise, but also unprecedented for this country to abandon their President's leadership during a time of war. It emboldens the enemy. Whether or not you agree with the war, not supporting Bush is detrimental to this country's effort to finish the job.

barry2952 said:
spitting out an abundance of children isn't good for anyone.

So you're pro-abortion? I've got news for you, China is suffering the consequences of decades of birth control. The ratio of men to women over there is now 51-49%. How'd you like that problem here?

You're also ignoring nature and God's intention for man to populate the earth. You are implying that He made a mistake when he gave man the tools for producing children. That's arrogance on your part instead of intelligence.
fossten said:
I have two points for you:

It's not only unwise, but also unprecedented for this country to abandon their President's leadership during a time of war. It emboldens the enemy. Whether or not you agree with the war, not supporting Bush is detrimental to this country's effort to finish the job.

So you're pro-abortion? I've got news for you, China is suffering the consequences of decades of birth control. The ratio of men to women over there is now 51-49%. How'd you like that problem here?

You're also ignoring nature and God's intention for man to populate the earth. You are implying that He made a mistake when he gave man the tools for producing children. That's arrogance on your part instead of intelligence.

Look who's talking about lack of intelligence. How dare you tell me what I should do with my life. You're no better than the Muslim extremists. Try looking in the mirror for once. Please point out where I said I'm pro-abortion or risk your credibility. Too late.
barry2952 said:
Look who's talking about lack of intelligence. How dare you tell me what I should do with my life. You're no better than the Muslim extremists. Try looking in the mirror for once. Please point out where I said I'm pro-abortion or risk your credibility. Too late.

Man, what a sensitive little whiner you are. Nowhere in my entire post can you find any evidence whatsoever that I'm trying to tell people what to do with their lives. I'm debating the issue - GET IT? THE ISSUE.

Go cry to your mama, big baby, not to me.

It's NOT ALL ABOUT YOU, barry.
barry2952 said:
Look who's talking about lack of intelligence. How dare you tell me what I should do with my life. You're no better than the Muslim extremists. Try looking in the mirror for once. Please point out where I said I'm pro-abortion or risk your credibility. Too late.

Show in my post where I told you how to live your life or lose credibility.
fossten said:
Show in my post where I told you how to live your life or lose credibility.

That is hilarious coming from you. You clearly said that I was defying Gods edict to procreate. Screw you, Mr. Lackofcredibility.
barry2952 said:
That is hilarious coming from you. You clearly said that I was defying Gods edict to procreate. Screw you, Mr. Lackofcredibility.

Excuse me, but I did not say that. You are a liar and I can prove it.

I said you were ignoring, not defying, when you made that point, not when you did whatever the heck you do in your personal life - like I would even care.

fossten said:
You're also ignoring nature [clearly NOT DEFYING] and God's intention for man to populate the earth. You are implying [clearly NOT DEFYING] that He made a mistake when he gave man the tools for producing children. That's arrogance on your part instead of intelligence.
Both verbs refer to verbal statements on your part. Neither verb refers in any way to an action or a life choice.

Man are you paranoid.

And all this from the same guy who used hate speech on me, saying that I shouldn't tell people I'm a Jew because I give them a bad name.

Talk about lack of credibility.
fossten said:
Excuse me, but I did not say that. You are a liar and I can prove it.

I said you were ignoring, not defying, when you made that point, not when you did whatever the heck you do in your personal life - like I would even care.

Both verbs refer to verbal statements on your part. Neither verb refers in any way to an action or a life choice.

Man are you paranoid.

And all this from the same guy who used hate speech on me, saying that I shouldn't tell people I'm a Jew because I give them a bad name.

Talk about lack of credibility.

Stomp, stomp, them little feet. Remember that post about sig size? Sure fits you.
You just keep on attacking, barry. I know it's got to be hard to be on the losing side election after election. You poor baby.

You just keep on posting your phony New York Times front pages. No credibility, indeed.
fossten said:
You're also ignoring nature and God's intention for man to populate the earth. You are implying that He made a mistake when he gave man the tools for producing children. That's arrogance on your part instead of intelligence.

That's obviously intended as an inflammitory statement. Wow, I think it even tops my inflammitory statement. Good job fossten.
fossten said:
You just keep on attacking, barry. I know it's got to be hard to be on the losing side election after election. You poor baby.

You just keep on posting your phony New York Times front pages. No credibility, indeed.

At least I admit my mistakes and apologize for them. How about you? Have you ever posted something you thought was from a credible source and it turned out to not be so?
barry2952 said:
At least I admit my mistakes and apologize for them. How about you? Have you ever posted something you thought was from a credible source and it turned out to not be so?

Possibly, but not recently.

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