

Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Ft. Campbell
Let me start by saying this is not meant to upset anyone, this is just something I have been going thru. Excuse the grammar, I am just shooting from the brain.

Today I was sitting in church, the preacher asked, "are people truly happy with life" I asked my self that, and then I started going through my life. I get up at 4am workout, take a shower then go to work, I come home, get online then go to sleep. thats monday thru Saturday. Sunday I get up at 7am, cut my grass, shower then go to church. thats my life, I work to pay my mortgage, insurance, and put away so I can retire at 38 years old, Thats my life, on the other hand my sister is 24 (two years younger than me) has three kids, no job, and goes to school for free, pays 80 dollars for rent, has a four bedroom home, has a car, gets 500 dollars in foodstamps, and has free healthcare. How did she become this way, my mom worked full time at Mcdonalds, and Pizza hut just so she didnt have to get on anytype of welfare. Where did america go wrong?

The preacher said we should be thankful that we ahve jobs, and our house haven't been foreclosed on. I am thankful that I am able to wake up every morning, and I am thankful that god has kept me safe through these tough times, but if I were to loose my job, Should I worry? If my sister can rent a four bedroom home for 80 dollars, and my mortgage is 1200, why work, if i get on welfare, I get school for free, food, and insurance.
I'm not sure where you're coming from here.
Are you frustrated that you have to live such a disciplined life to responsibly provide for yourself while other able bodied people leech off of society?
exactly! How is it that we work hard to climb the ladder of sucess, and others dont have to work at all but are beating me up that same ladder.
share the wealth, thats what obama wants. we few work hard so the majority dont have to. its b.s. but it must be what america wants. they keep putting in these politicians who raise taxes and increase welfare spending.
When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
Believe me man, I see where you're coming from. Every time I start to think about it, I just get pissed off. We work our fingers to the bone to provide for ourselves and yet others just sit at home and draw off our tax dollars.

I've always said that the government assistance plans need to be revised. They were originally planned to be used for a temporary assistance to help people get back on their feet but now it's become a full-time assistance to allow people to be lazy.

At the same time, our government is allowing big business to put those people that are willing to work, out of jobs and has been for years. We keep allowing companies to ship their plants and labor to other countries to save a dollar.

At this point if they did away with welfare and government assistance, we'd have all those extra tax dollars but we still wouldn't be able to provide our people with jobs to support ourselves. Our country has slowly but surely buried itself in greed. Everyone is out to try and get rich but at the expense of others.

It's a crappy deal and it sickens me to think about it. I hate it when I go to the store and see Shaniqua with her 6 kids, with a cart full of all the name brand foods, paying with her EBT card and I'm sitting with a cart half full with the generic foods because I'm trying to watch my budget.

I believe the government needs to put some limitations on what these people can purchase and for how long they can draw it before they get cut off.
the welfare system was created to help peeps during the great depression. what a monster that was created. im just sick of seeing 35 to 40 percent of what is mine, money i worked hard for, being taken from me with no benefit to me at all.
I dont know is Shaniqua was suppose to represent black people, but its not a Black, White or Hispanic thing. Its an american thing, people know that if they come to America, they will suceed. Over %38 of the people who recieve welfare are white, while %37 percent are black. Why does welfare exist? My uncle was making $23 an hour, working damn near 8o hours a week, just bought a house in detroit, then all of a sudden his job up and leaves, he is stuck with a 1500 dollar mortgage, and three kids. He has taken advantage of program that have reduced his mortgage to 400 dollars and is going to school. He still has not applied for welfare because he is too proud, he cuts grass around the neighborhood to make ends meet, welfare was intended to help people like him. Its nothing that Bush or Obama did, this welfare :q:q:q:q existed way before any of them. Why can't we do away with it.
your uncle is the example of what is not being done by most peeps on welfare. i just wish there more people out there like your uncle who still believed that they will do whatever it takes to get by. ive myself have been laid off before and know how crappy it is. i did what i had to do for me to get by(2 jobs). im tired of the people i see everyday when im driving from job to job, in the car i provided the money for, and burning gas i paid for, in the middle of the day like they have nothing better to do.
Shaniqua was just a name I pulled off the top of my head, it was a bad example. It's not limited to any race, every race has them. I co-worker told me that if I wanted to get a real perspective on things, that I should drive down to the food bank someday and just watch the cars that come and go.

He said you'd be amazed at how many people come down there to get free food in their cadillacs and such. They sit at home, draw off the government, take all the free handouts they can and still drive around in $30k plus cars with stereos and wheels.

He's a teacher, has a part-time welding business consisting of just himself and still goes to the food bank to make ends meet to provide for his family. He doesn't live extravagantly, he just gets by and he'll do what he has to in order to provide for his wife and kids.

But what has the government done to turn these things around, nothing, they just keep handing it out. We have people that are living homeless on the streets because they're too proud to take a handout and society looks down upon them. But we're more than happy to give Jane Smith more of our hard-earned tax dollars to sit at home on her fat lazy a$$ and eat her hostess cupcakes and watch her plasma screen television while we're out busting our a$$es at work.

What a screwed up society that we live in!
So now, we all piss and moan about the problem, and wonder why nothing is being done to solve it.
Very simply put, the politicians don't give a rat's a$$ what we say, and will do nothing to change the "system".
The system CAN be changed but, it takes a conserted effort by many.
How do we change it?
First off, we ALL need to get off our duffs and form strong unions throughout the country.
These "unions" of people MUST confront the poliiticians in strong numbers to be heard.
Politicians only care about one thing, and that is, being re-elected to office.
They all seek power, and this power goes to their head to the point where it consumes them.
In large numbers, we can demand welfare change with the threat of no re-election for those who refuse to get involved for imediate change in the system.
Nothing will ever change if people do not unite and see that it gets done.
Contacting one's elected officials alone will solve nothing.
It has to be done as a large group to be effective.
Change only comes about by a strong effort on the part of those seeking change.
Here in California, we are facing the most serious budget crisis the state has ever seen.
One of the largest expenses the state is faced with is housing, medical and education.
Many of the difficulties concerning these three necessities can be directly traced to the illegal immigration population in this state.
Medical cost alone for illegal immigrants is roughly 11 billion dollars.
Add housing and education to that , and you can see why California is in deep cucca.
It will only be relived whern the state politicians finally wise up, listen to the people, and crack down on the illegal population.
The budget problems with California will never end until the illegal immigration is put under control.
But, like every other state, budget crises has a reason, and a solution but, it MUST be dealt with by large groups of concerned people demanding change.
Politicians do not want to hear that they won't be re-elected.
Time to get moving on this.
I live in North Philly and go to Temple University. I walk out the front door of my apartment, and I see where my tax dollars (and yours) go. 60-70% of the people who live on the street, besides college kids, sit out front on their stoops ALL day long. Everyday. The only exception is winter and rain, I kid you not. Now I hate to be assuming, but I can only assume you aren't hunting for a job if you're sitting on the steps of your own home. There's no way you can hold a job if you're sitting on the steps of your own home. There's no way you can be contributing at all, if every day, you sit on the steps of your own home, and do absolutely nothing but watch the cars go by. It's to the point where I don't even want to live on the street anymore, next year I have a place much closer to campus and it's a relatively quiet street, with no one sitting on their steps all day.
I know how you feel lincolnx2. I work at a fast food joint making nothing and have an apt that should be condemned. i make enough to get by but not by any means comfortable. I'm fortunate my license is suspended for over a year because I couldn't afford to drive if it wasn't. Meanwhile one of my aquaintences (sp) is on food stamps. Their kitchen is packed with bison meat and so much food I have honestly never seen in one area other than a grocery store. What might you ask they spend their money on? Alcohol. Instead of using the money they make at their job for food and rent which by the way they are behind, they buy about 2 fifths and 2 12 packs a day. I cut back on drinking to about 1 every 2 weeks and have mabye 2 packs of cigarettes a week. They choose not to put their addictions down but to leech off my petty tax dollars. I use they money that I would have used to buy weed and alcohol so I can buy food and getting some new clothes cause I'm losing weight. I don't understand how someone much less a so called man would let his life be provided for by anyone much less the government. I don't have much but what is mine is mine. Aside from the car loan lol. I guess the only thing that keeps me from snapping at the end of the day is well I hate to say it but I feel I am better than them. By the way for those who are going to chime in about the amount they are drinking and how alcoholism can't be put down easily. I drank no less then a 5th a day and the night I wrecked my 1995 TC I put alcohol down for 3 months. Withdrawls and detox are no joke but I got through it because I wanted to. I really havn't drank much since that horrible Jan. 17 2006 date. Sorry to get off subject, but just remember that you are better.
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Which is why I can be thankful I have a career that I can go to any state or country and do while still making a considerable amount of money....
pete i did go to school for a diesel mechanic but unfortunately they dont hire people with a suspended license. cause if i had my license i would be doin alright. my aunt has lupis and other medical problems and cant work while her husband my uncle has had his jobs lay him off or switch states and he has had to move from a house to a townhome to a apartment and i believe they moved out of town now to a cheaper town to get a town house. of course they cant afford all of her medication and welfare says he makes too much money to qualify. wtf?
pete i did go to school for a diesel mechanic but unfortunately they dont hire people with a suspended license. cause if i had my license i would be doin alright. my aunt has lupis and other medical problems and cant work while her husband my uncle has had his jobs lay him off or switch states and he has had to move from a house to a townhome to a apartment and i believe they moved out of town now to a cheaper town to get a town house. of course they cant afford all of her medication and welfare says he makes too much money to qualify. wtf?

true true.....Also the :q:q:q:q:q:q:q employers the fire people. The unemployment office (Though I was only unemployed for 2-3 weeks) denied me benefits because my previous employer was telling them lies about it was either fight them in court for only 800-1000 bucks or just move on and enjoy my new employers....which is what I my previous employer is gonna be facing a class action lawsuit against them by past employees :p
Once the percentage of American voters receiving benefits goes over 50%, there will NEVER be a way to revoke the system. It's very close to 50% right now.
i tried to vote this election because usually they say im registering too late. apparently where i had an illinois address but moved to ky and didnt get my license changed i had to go back there. i said i had no way and they were like well i don know what to tell you. after the election i told my friend and he said i could have done an absentee vote. its nice to know that the people at the voters registry told me that BEFORE the election. not like my vote would have mad a difference though lol it was a landslide. im hopin my dad doesnt get laid off cause he just got his dream house and debt taken care of and his job for over 25 years changed owners and they have slowed production and now he doesnt work on mondays. they are talking about cutting down to 25 hours a week which he says isnt worth driving an hour every day to work for 4 hours. if he looses his job and house new truck i think my faith in the American dream will be no more. sheesh what is this country coming too.
I just don't think about the bs leaches on the system... I'll just keep doing my own thing and pay the taxes... what else can I do?
what else can I do?

You could start a revolution! It kills me how the American people can sit back and watch the government take control of everything and not be willing to do anything about it.

Whatever happened to "Government of the people, for the people, by the people."?

It's now "Government of the wealthy, for the wealthy, by the wealthy!"

The average Joe no longer has much say, if any, in what goes on in our country. The government has had us running scared for centuries and it just keeps getting worse. There is no way that if the American people banded together in an uprising that the government could stop it.

The problem with this idea is that the American citizens can't even agree on simple things, so this is likely to never happen.

Like Fossten said, and I may regret this, the percentage of american people receiving benefits from the government is so high, that there is no way this would ever happen. They would actually have to go do something for themselves and why would they want to do that when it's already being handed to them.

Makes you wonder if that wasn't the plan from the very start! They knew that once they had all these people in their pocket, they'd have control.

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