Linc Air Suspension (AGAIN!) - Need Info.


New LVC Member
Jun 29, 2006
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AZ/UT Border
I feel like a total dodo - I have a 1995 Linc TC that has started acting funny in the diagnostic message center. The message that seems to be faulty is "CHECK AIR SUSPENSION". From the looks and feel of the ride, there is no problem. The car looks normally level, both after sitting for extended periods and while driving or standing with the engine idling.

As a starting point, let's say the car has sat all night - first thing in the morning the car looks level and I insert key and start engine. The diagnostic center goes through its pre-op checkout/test (everything looks normal). Then the suspension compressor starts up and runs for a very few seconds (say 3 sec), then stops. At this point, the warning buzz sounds and the "CAS" (CHECK AIR SUSPENSION) message is displayed.

When riding down the street, the "CAS" message is almost always displayed, but infrequently, it does go out, only to come on again a short time later accompanied with the audible buzzer and "CAS" message.

At restart, after ignition has been turned off, the sequence is the same - the compressor runs for a short time, then the CAS is displayed.

And, after the car is parked for about an hour, the compressor starts and runs for a moderately long time (say 20 sec).

Lastly, the height of the rear fender-well lip to the bottom of the tire rim is 23-1/2" +/- 1/4" everytime I have measured it, and it doesn't seem to vary when the car is parked or when driving.

I don't know and haven't been able to google a description of the "correct" sequence of sounds and lights for the air suspension system. So I am hoping someone can provide some help with what should be happening when.

Also, I have read many many times in various forums, references to the height/level sensors, but have not been able to find the location of these parts (I'm assuming that there are two - one on each side). They must be obvious since everyone blythly refers to them but no one ever seems to mention what they look like or where they are located on the car.

Thanks in advance for any help. I am truly iimpressed with this site - it seems to be both informative and patient with us slow-learners.

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