Lincoln LS Bad Transmission Problems


New LVC Member
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi All,

I'm new here and I'm sure glad I found this site!
I have a 2001 Lincoln LS V8, 40,000 miles and of course just out of warranty.

My problems began Saturday. The dreaded check transmission light came on. Brought it right into the dealer. They said they ran it through diagnostics and reformatted the gears??? something to that effect and that the mechanic had taken it for a test drive and would be right back. Well, when they returned I was told the light was still coming on and I needed a new transmission to the tune of at least $3000. I was really stunned. I mean I only have 40k miles and I'm already having problems. I've taken great care of the car and then some. They told me it might be cheaper to have it done at my own mechanic instead of at the dealership. But it would be fine to drive. The overdrive just wasn't working.

So, I took today off and brought it to my mechanic who ran it through diagnostics as well. He said I had some big problems with the tranny but to bring it back to the dealer. That there's no way I should be ponying up $3,000 or more to have a tranny put in with this mileage. Warranty or no they should pay. He said it actually looks as if it some crazy mercedes tranny is in it. And this is about the 4th that he's seen with the same problem. Some with even less mileage. He also wouldn't even let me drive it off the lot. Told me to have AAA get it to the dealer in the a.m.

Has anyone had similar problems? Did the dealership pay for the fix. I phoned Ford today and asked about the After Warranty Adjustment I saw mentioned on this site. The woman I spoke with told me she wasn't at liberty to discuss this with me. (What's up with that????) Also said that there have been no other problems reported regarding transmission. Unbelievable!

Well long story short 2 days out of work now & alot of lost sleep. My mechanic actually told me to dump the car A.S.A.P. This car was my baby.

Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Dreading going to the dealership tommorow.

Thanks in advance,


:give :slam
I would get another diag from a different Lincoln dealer and have them tell you what is actually wrong with the transmission. It stinks finding dealers that don't know how to repair and just replace. :(

I could swear El Es posted a TSB or a site with some info on a problem with OD due to part known to go bad. That would not be a good thing as it was internal to the transmission. The other problems that have been listed here have been valve body issues, which is cheaper to repair.

Do some searches here as I know we discussed some specific issues and sites about this transmission.

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