Lincoln Ls Driver since 04


New LVC Member
May 7, 2013
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Cincinnati, OH
I have been reading these forums for years and they have helped alot. I recently have been stumped on an issue that I have not seen before. I was driving home from work the other day and my car just shut down like it was running on strictly battery and the juice was running out. As most of you know the car virtually goes into a really rough ride after all the electrical starts shutting down. Naturally I thought it was the alternator but when I went to jump the car the lights are all on and the car just clicks (no turning over.) So then I thought well can it be that the alternator and starter went out about the same time? I then proceeded to continue to turn the key and keep clicking it hoping the starter would turn the car over, but after multiple times of doing that the car caught fire (maybe grease build up and the spark from the starter) Has anyone ever experienced this problem? Suggestions?

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