Lincoln vs. Cadillac...

Moby and Lucille

Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 29, 2004
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The Psuedo-Metropolis.....Des Moines, IA REPRESENT
Now, it's time for the million dollar question! This is what all of the threads pitting a particular Lincoln product vs. it's closest Cadillac parallel have been leading up to. This is what I've waited til the 1yr anniversary day to post.

The single most important, all encompassing question that can be posed on a forum named Lincoln vs. Cadillac:

Which is your preference? Lincoln or Cadillac?

As for me? :L

Of the 8 comparison threads, I preferred the Lincoln in 5 of them. So, I'm not gung ho, Lincoln all the way, but I like it better more often than not.

How about you guys?
I think the particular photos used in the polls weighed the results on both sides.
codewize said:
I think the particular photos used in the polls weighed the results on both sides.

I tried to be as fair as I could in finding photos of the contestant cars. In fact, all told, between all 8 threads, I probably spent about 8-12hrs finding good pictures and resizing them. It was no easy task... Car Domain made it possible, but even Car Domain couldn't make it easy (especially the 60's models)

I wouldn't want the quality of the pictures to have any impact on the outcome. They didn't for me, anyway.

I'm really kind of surprised at the turnout thus far. I mean, I always suspected that this forum did lean a little towards the L and not the C, but I expected it to be pretty close. I didn't expect L to be dominating like it is.... I don't know, maybe the caddy people just aren't caddy people! :)
It does seem like the Caddy people are alot quieter than the Lincoln owners. Why is that??
I have a couple of theories, but they're just theories. This may sound offensive to some caddy fans, and possibly even to some lincoln fans, but rest assured, it's not meant to be. My theory is that since we've all grown up being taught that Caddy is "the standard of the world" (except for my generation who was raised being taught that mercedes and BMW were "the standard of the world", but even we were taught that caddy was "the standard of america") caddy people feel so confident in the superiority of cadillac, that they have nothing to prove, thus, why take the time on these polls which were created by a lincoln man? With us Lincoln people, we're sick of hearing that caddy's better. We just don't believe it, and are sick of what we perceive to be people blindly going along with group think. Group think that makes us look like second rate citizens of the car world. And so we'd be more than happy to jump at the change to jab caddy.

It's a pretty hollow theory, but unless we really do have that many more lincoln fans on this forum than caddy fans, that's the only thing that makes any sense to me besides these others. It's conceivable that a higher percentage of lincoln people than caddy people venture into the general chat section, and see these polls. Or lastly, it could be a combination of a couple of those. Maybe lincoln people see more of a point in a lincoln vs cadillac forum than cadillac people for reasons mentioned earlier and therefore more lincoln people have signed up.. I don't know. I think Joey has done a good job of keeping the website itself unbaised though.

I hope I didn't offend anyone on either side, as it wasn't my intention, it's just these are the possibilities that came to mind when I noticed how lopsided the results were coming out. And while I've said this before in other words, I'll reiterate. Yes, I am a Lincoln man, but if you imagine Lincoln being right of center, and Caddy being left of center then I have one foot off to the right, and the other on center.
Other theories about Caddy cars mostly have FWD.....that is why alots people who loved RWD, that how end up with Lincolns RWD cars like for example Town Car, LS or Mark Series. Caddy cars have some weaken points than Lincolns with RWD.
Sure, those are things to consider, but it seems that popular opinion in the world at large favors caddy despite the RWD/FWD. This is something that a lot of us Lincoln guys point to as reasons to prefer the Lincoln, and rightly so, but that wont necesarily be enough to persuade someone who's dead set for cadillac.

Still, it is quite possibly the main deciding factor for a lot of us who have posted.
Well I've owned both and in the 80's I think that Lincoln had higher quality. My Caddy was a slow pos with a gutless 4.1. After the tranny broke I got into a Lincoln and realized what I was missin.
Yeah, but they did eventually step it up to a 5.0, and what I hear is that 5.0 was real mean! That, and the way I understand it, is until 86 when the Lincoln switched to tuned port injection, the performance of the 5.0 in the Lincoln wasn't all that hot. (112HP in 1980...buckle up!) :) As far as the tranny goes, well, Caddy trannys may go, but so do Lincolns. (I've got a 77 that is living proof of that.) :)

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