I don't know which Jaguar it was but all I know is that I beat a Jaguar.(all Jaguar look the same to me)It started from a stop light, Where the jag and the nissan truck were first. I was behind the nissan but turned left to the jags lane. The speed limit was 40 and he was hitting about 50 or so. I tailed him. Then a four way stop sign came and I turned right besides him. I knew he was going to race because he floored it while we were driving. So we both floored and my traction control kicked in since it was raining and plus the crossing was a tiled area. We were even untill we crossed the tiled area and when the tractiion control deactived. We raced till we got to 60 and I had about 3 car lenghts on him. I could have had him more if I didn't spin.