No. 08A407

Title: Leo C. Donofrio, Applicant
Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State


Lower Ct: Supreme Court of New Jersey
Case Nos.: (AM-0153-08T2 at the New Jersey Appellate Division without a docket number)

Nov 3 2008 Application (08A407) for stay pending the filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Nov 6 2008 Application (08A407) denied by Justice Souter.
Nov 14 2008 Application (08A407) refiled and submitted to Justice Thomas.
Nov 19 2008 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 5, 2008.


And just so you know, if this suit is ruled on in favor of the plaintiff, it will also disqualify John McCain from the Presidency as he will also be deemed to not be a Natural Born Citizen due to the fact that he was born in Panama.
Will the MainStreamMedia even report on this?

Wouldn't it be great if the SCOTUS tosses both candidates and the media would not have reported on it.

Don't you think that if there was anything to these claims that McCain, Karl Rove, GW Bush or SOMEONE influential from the republicans would have pushed this months and months ago?

Do you really believe this wasnt looked into on an official level?

THAT is why the mainstream media isnt reporting on it, it isnt credible. I mean, come on. They reported on Clinton's blow jobs but they choose to ignore this? It all makes no sense.

Either the republicans are complete bumbling fools, or they are themselves protecting Obama's citizenship status or, most likely, there is nothing to this. Keep in mind, GW can make a phone call and have all the documentation looked into. Past passports, travel histories, everything. Come on man.

Lets also keep in mind, there isnt much in the media about the Indictment this week of VP Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Why is that?
Here's the devil's advocate argument in response:

1- No, a Republican would not have brought this up months ago. This lawsuit challenges McCain's eligibility for the Presidency as well as Obamas. Also, no one wants to be associated with the potential political crap-storm that would develop from this, or even make the accusation in public.

2-Was it looked into on an official level? I don't know what that means. But there is no independent body that screens Presidential candidates.

3-Actually they didn't report Clinton's blow job (or other extra marital affairs) or the perjury. They sat on the story until the Drudgereport published it.

4- the Cheney/Gonzales thing actually was picked up in the media despite the fact that it's another utterly ridiculous indictment from a grandstanding Texas democrat prosecutor.
If you think for 10 seconds that the republicans would have looked into this months ago, your nuts.
And just so you know, if this suit is ruled on in favor of the plaintiff, it will also disqualify John McCain from the Presidency as he will also be deemed to not be a Natural Born Citizen due to the fact that he was born in Panama.

Let's pretend (it won't, it's crap) this goes through, what happens then? We have another election in record time? Biden assumes the mantel of President and chooses whomever he wishes for VP? Bush stays on until this is sorted out? Or?

I would also assume that McCain being disqualified is irrelevant, as he lost the race; it's game-over for him, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.
Let's pretend (it won't, it's crap) this goes through, what happens then? We have another election in record time? Biden assumes the mantel of President and chooses whomever he wishes for VP? Bush stays on until this is sorted out? Or?

I would also assume that McCain being disqualified is irrelevant, as he lost the race; it's game-over for him, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.

If it passed without Obama being sworn in as president, Biden would not assume the office because he wouldn't be vice president.
Until whatever president elect is sworn in, the sitting president is still president.
Don't you think that if there was anything to these claims that McCain, Karl Rove, GW Bush or SOMEONE influential from the republicans would have pushed this months and months ago?

I sent a letter to John McCain yesterday. It sent it to his personal address.

I won't get into detail here but the esssence of the letter stated that although I was forever greatful for his service to our Country, he failed in God's final task for him. He had served and defended our Country with valor and dignity to our enemies abroad but he had failed to defend us from our enemies within.

I asked to reflect on why God had put him in the position to run for President in 2008. I tasked him to reflect on how he had made his remarkable comeback to become the Presidential candidate of the Republican Party.

I explained that it had been God's will. That God had put him in the position to stop not only Obama, but our slide in the abyss of socialism and despair.

In his final task he failed our Country.
He failed you.
He failed me.
He failed the United States. All the for vanity of the position.

To answer your question Joey, McCain knew damn well Obama was not eligible. That is why all the non-sense took place with the resolutions and the added clause regarding place of birth and presidential eligibility. He made a Quid Pro Quo deal to further his own agenda at the expense of all of us and now we will all suffer the consequences.

There was more but I feel I revealed enough here. I have thus been able to cleanse my soul with the writing of the letter to Senator McCain. I am now looking forward to preserving the life, liberty, happiness and opportunities for my family. America is still a place where one can prosper in good times and bad. Unfortunately, I have now been put in the position of taking advantage of other people's unfortunate circumstances to further my family's prosperity and future.

It is NOT my fault. I didn't vote for socialism and despair.

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