Location of trunk release fuse 2006 LS

John Hubertz

Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Wayne
Anybody help me out? Neighbor just bought a used one and has no remote or trunk key - any help appreciated.
the key that starts the car is the same key for the door. the key for the door is the same key as the glove box. the key for the glove box is also the key for the trunk

he can also see the manual in the tech articles at the top of the page (in case he doesn't have one in the car) it says that the trunk release solenoid is fuse 1 in the trunk fuse box.
Also, enter the factory or user code on the door keypad then press the "5/6" button.
Also, press the trunk release button on the dash (lower left) right by the fuel door release button.
the key that starts the car is the same key for the door. the key for the door is the same key as the glove box. the key for the glove box is also the key for the trunk

Unless either A) it's the valet key or B) one or more lock cylinder was replaced.

If the key is gray, it's the valet key and it won't fit into the trunk. It is cut exactly the same, however, so the cheapest route would be to have Home Depot cut a $2, chip-less key (key number H75P) from the valet key and carry both. The next cheapest option is to have a locksmith clone the key to a non-valet key. The best option is to have a locksmith or dealer cut new keys and program two new ones (a total of 3) so that the owner can program his own if he loses one. Add some remotes for convenience.

If the cylinders are different, it's a different story

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