Locked out: Battery dead?


Active LVC Member
Nov 10, 2005
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in my M8
so I go to take my m8 outta storage for the winter.........and i am locked out.
my remote dose not work to unlock or open trunk.......so i thought my remote battier was dead.
but then i try ed the door key pad and could still not get it to open and when i try to open the door no light turn on so then i though my batt. must be dead for the whole car?(i just got a new interstate last summer?????)

I have an accessories key that opens the trunk fine but will not open the door so how do i open my door/hood :confused: :confused: :confused:
was the battery connected all winter? probably drained out.

your ignition key doesn't open the door lock? mine does.
ok yea i tryed my #2 ingt. key and that worked on pasanger side only??
so now its open... yea i started it a few times this winter but not in like that past 1.5 months
as i got in on pasanger side not thing worked like unlock buttone so its proally my batt. i would think
i think the battery is drained from being connected to the car all winter....just charge it up with a trickle charger and you should be fine.

that key should have worked on the drivers side too, tho....
Here's a quick solution when your battery dies and you need to get into your car.

To open you hood so you can jump or charge your battery.

Just jack the car high enough so you can look up in the front of the nose where the hood release is located. There is a cable running from the hood release. Pull it. Hood will pop so you can lift the hood and start your car. Then you can get into your car.

Happened to my 93.

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