Locked out of Mark


LVC Member
Apr 22, 2006
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My mother drove my Mark VIII to work and for some reason when she got out the Keypad wouldn't open the door. She did say the voltage was low in the car. The problem is I don't have keys to the Mark and the key pad is the only way to gain entry. Any suggestions on getting under the hood so I can change/jump the battery?
If you can not open the car with a key, fob, or key pad.

Go under the front of the car. You can reach up and pull on the cable that connects the hood to the hood release inside the car.

That will pop the hood so you can open the hood and charge the battery. Your fob will then open the car, or use the key pad.

Oh and the cost of this information is to come to the July Meet in Boscobel, WI... 1.5 hours from Milwaukee.
Thanks Mespock

mespock said:
Go under the front of the car. You can reach up and pull on the cable that connects the hood to the hood release inside the car.

That will pop the hood so you can open the hood and charge the battery. Your fob will then open the car, or use the key pad.

Thanks for all your help Mespock. I went into panic mode for a minute. Also pulling the cable will not release the hood. You have to feel your way all the way up to where the wire ends, then operate the small lever with your hand and your are in business. Thanks again.

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