London Attacks


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 18, 2004
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I'm sure you've heard about this if you've turned on the TV, but if you haven't, here's an article about it.

I'm so sick of these terrorist attacks. How many more innocent civilians are going to die before these extremists are satisfied? Also, do you think this is related to London getting the 2012 olympic bid, and were explosives ready to be planted in Paris as well if they had gotten the bid.
SurfjaxLS said:
Also, do you think this is related to London getting the 2012 olympic bid, and were explosives ready to be planted in Paris as well if they had gotten the bid.
It was related to the G8 meeting being held at the same time.

There will have to be more terrorist attacks for the world to be convinced we are in a 'world war' against terrorists unfortunately.
Well at least the terrorists are only trying to kill innocent people. At least they are not taking naked pictures of them while pointing at their genitalia.
crash said:
Well at least the terrorists are only trying to kill innocent people. At least they are not taking naked pictures of them while pointing at their genitalia.
And your point is???
MonsterMark said:
And your point is???

Don't know if you detected the large amount of sarcasm in my post.

My point is, over that past year or so, all of these idiots (ACLU, etc) have been making a big deal of the Guantamimo Bay incidents. Big deal, a bunch of known criminals were humiliated a little. Look at all of the time and money they spent on investigating this. Yet when these towel-heads murder innocent people, they don't care.
crash said:
Don't know if you detected the large amount of sarcasm in my post.
I was hoping that was the case but wasn't sure.

See the President respond here. He even said the word Pandemic correctly.
Sometimes it really sucks to be the good guys. The things we could do to these people if we weren't. But we are above that... If we weren't, the war on terror would have already claimed a billion lives.
Truer words were never written. If the shoe was on the other foot, we wouldn't even exist anymore. We'd be wiped out.
Monstermarks contention that the mere presense of GWB has deterred another terrrist attack is a lame arguement.

In fact his arguement is that we would have had another attack had it not been for GWB. Wiped out was his choice of words.

barry2952 said:
Monstermarks contention that the mere presense of GWB has deterred another terrrist attack is a lame arguement.

In fact his arguement is that we would have had another attack had it not been for GWB. Wiped out was his choice of words.

It's tough to debate this guy. Barry, if the terrorists had access to weapons like nuclear bombs, they would have already used them on us with impunity. To think otherwise is to not understand the enemy we face. They don't care about innocent people. They don't care about life in the way we cherish it. They want us gone and the only reason we are still here is because they don't have the means....yet.

And where did I say the mere presence of GWB has deterred another terrorist attack? I would love to see my words in quotes. Sounds like you are putting words in my mouth. Also to not give some basic amount of credit to GWB and the current administration for us not being attacked again is disengenous at best on your part.

Lastly, "wiped out" is certainly what will happen to us when our enemy obtains the means to make it happen, as LAME as that is.

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