Looking for anyone with a unlimited car fax report account


New LVC Member
Feb 11, 2006
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I'm looking to look up a car at Car Fax.com but don't have the resources to purchase a account. Looking for anyone with access to a unlimited car fax and lend me a hand.
Yea I know its a salvage title but I planned on restoring it and driving around a daily ride.. I had a tiburon a few months ago but got ran off the road by a disel and been wanting one since. Insurance dicked me over and just paid the car off since it was such a new ride.
Well, I have to admit that I don't see a salvage title as a big problem under 3 conditions (all 3 must be met).

  1. You can get a title that will allow you to drive this in your state.
  2. If it was totalled for structural damage, that the repairs were well done as verified by a qualified professional.
  3. You don't EVER intend to sell it.

If the car is OK structurally , you can title it, and you intend to drive it until the wheels fall off, then I would say that a salvage title is OK if the price is SIGNIFICANTLY discounted below book value for a car with a good title.

In several states, theft recoveries are granted salvage titles. So that would be an instance where the title wouldn't be a big deal if you weren't going to resell.
Yea the car is going for 8,000. I don't intend to sell the car either until i'm ready to get a 350z or SUV after I've finished school and one year into my career.

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