Looking for chrome air vent inserts.... Please!!


LVC Member
Apr 25, 2006
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I've been looking all over the place, and can't find them anywhere!!! I'm looking for two of the chrome inserts that go on the air vents, the little adjuster tab thing-a-ma-doodle. Anyone have any extras kicking around or know of where I could get???? Thanks!
They sell em at the dealership, I think. The are $4 each or so. Ken knows.
The part number is 4W4Z-19E984-AAA.

my car came with mine missing.. i took it to the dealer and they replaced them for me free of charge
i bought some from lincoln for 13 dollars i have an extra one lieing around if someone needs it let me know i have to find it first though lol
I bought mine from 00ls-sport. He gave me a super deal on them and shipped at a great rate too. Even with shipping it was much less than the local dealer.
Well, if you're giving it away for free..... I'll take it! I'll send you paypal to cover shipping, of course, and a couple of extra dollars to buy you a coffee!
I bought mine from him as well. Very good price.

mharrison said:
I bought mine from 00ls-sport. He gave me a super deal on them and shipped at a great rate too. Even with shipping it was much less than the local dealer.
Vivid LS..quick question. Do you have the light grey interior? Did you paint your headrests to match the factory interior? If so, what paint/process did you use? I just ordered the exact same headrests w monitors
I have a light tan interior. Not sure what the color is. I had the headrests redone in Lincoln leather so they matched perfectly. They were a little off in color so I had to fix them.

lseguy said:
Vivid LS..quick question. Do you have the light grey interior? Did you paint your headrests to match the factory interior? If so, what paint/process did you use? I just ordered the exact same headrests w monitors

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