Looking for Curtains


Active LVC Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Duncannon, PA
I'm looking for a set of curtains for the back window and the 2 rear door windows. Anybody got any information or ideas?
At the dub show here in stl a lexus had them in all 4 windows and it looked great. I was thinking about doin it to mine but dont have the time right now. I talked to the owner of it and he said over in japan its the new thing to have and he says it will be here in the states soon.
Never heard of Window treatments in a sport sedan.... I guess it's all the rage in Key West? :D
Sounds kind of creepy, kind of like a hearse. When and where did this modification come about. never heard of it before.
wow so this has to officially be the most ghetto thread i've ever seen here. congrats...
If you do this curtain addition, I'm going to start a petition to have you removed from the forums and have your car towed.
Make sure you get some gold teefus to go with your curtains. This is taking the whole custom idea to an all new level....ghetto.
"It's standard equipment in many luxury cars." Name one?
Oh and the japanese do plenty of odd things that dont need to make their way over the water to the U.S.
Well I guess it's just me, but either way, I like the look of the curtains and the option to close them when I would like some privacy.

Yeah i can see those in a Bentley, Rolls, Maybach.... but those are way above "luxury" cars. That picture is a nice example of a "stock" window curtain, but that is waaaaaay different than that crap from the 300c thread or anything your gonna be able to put in your LS. When a car costs more than a house then it fits, anything else is ghetto.
I agree. Privacy shades on the rear side glass such as the ones on the cadillac deville DHS (00-05) would look nice on an LS,but curtains?

Just save some time,money, and trouble and get a nice tint job done;

that's not my cup of tea either but will look a hell of alot better than drapes!
I've got a tint job already. Nevermind why I want the curtains, I just thought I'd ask if there was anything readily available before I make my own.
Drapes. Thats awesome. Perfect wording. As far as your reason, i didnt see anyone asking. But i'd suggest saving the blunts for when you get home. Just kidding. On a serious note i'd check your local laws regarding the legality of any kind of window coverings.
I can't see anybody making any that are thick enough that'll fit in an LS. I think your best bet would be to make your own. Most likely will be cheaper that way too.
I'm in Qatar right now and when I go downtown, it seems like 1 out of every 5 cars has curtains on the rear windows. This desert is hot as balls though, so I'm not sure its for style.
Drapes on a limo is one thing.

I have NEVER seen a Sport Sedan with drapes. Not even a Luxury sport Sedan. That totally defeats the character of the car. Whats next...a fake convertible top?

If there were that much sun, I'd opt for darker tint, or look into getting windowshades that are stock in some 5 and 7 series BMW's
i actually saw a fake convertible top on an LS. it was definately from the factory too. iirc it was called carriage top. it was ugly as sin. curtains would have been a nice option to choose for all Lincolns even the LS.
nope not from the factory. dealers did those against lincoln's specific ban on doing those on the LS IIRC

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