Looking For - Factory Stereo


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
New Bedford
ok in process of saving for new video screen, but for now, i am lookin for a few things.

1. factory alpine indash 6 cd unit.

2. factory back speakers and alpine amp.

if price is right, willin to take these pieces of ur hands,, lol and just think i will be doin u a favor, cleanin few things of ur LS product graveyard..lol
JPsBored said:
ok in process of saving for new video screen, but for now, i am lookin for a few things.

1. factory alpine indash 6 cd unit.

2. factory back speakers and alpine amp.

if price is right, willin to take these pieces of ur hands,, lol and just think i will be doin u a favor, cleanin few things of ur LS product graveyard..lol

What year is your LS. I've got a 2002 Factory in-dash 6 disc changer that I bought on ebay with CD Error message cuz there were some CD's stuck in it. I removed the CD's, tore apart my dash, then realized that my 2003 LS uses different connectors on the Factory H/U. I'm stuck with this 2002 Unit. Email me @ jnimako@sympatico.ca if you're interested.

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