Looking for some guidance.


LVC Member
Jan 19, 2015
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central new jersey
I have a 2003 ls v6 with 51k miles. Recently, Ive had the great pleasure of experiencing the inevitable misfire. So I took the time and removed the intake so i can get to the passenger side plugs and cops to check them and found that all 3 were fouled with carbon build up. One plug (3rd cylinder) had oil on it, not on the top of the plug where its exposed in the well but on the threads were its goes into the cylinder. I'm hoping to god that it's not something major. So I'm curious as to whether somebody out there knows what that oil is from and whether or not I should be worried. Also I would like some recommendation for plugs, cops, and a valve cover gasket. I figure if i have everything off I mine as well give it the works. I did a search and didn't see anything resembling my issue and I really do not have the time to search through thousands of posts I'm kind of in a hurry to get the car back together. Thanks.
I wouldn't worry about a little oil on the threads. (In fact, I've had this from time to time and I haven't worried or experienced any related problems.)
Coils: OEM (Motorcraft)
Plugs: OEM (Motorcraft, NGK, Autolite)
Gasket: Motorcraft, Felpro, ...
I wouldn't worry about a little oil on the threads. (In fact, I've had this from time to time and I haven't worried or experienced any related problems.)
Coils: OEM (Motorcraft)
Plugs: OEM (Motorcraft, NGK, Autolite)
Gasket: Motorcraft, Felpro, ...

Thanks a lot joegr.
What is your guy's preference on plugs? Copper, iridium, platinum? Is there a noticeable difference as far as performance goes, or are we just talking longevity?
Copper = Best performance, shortest life, cheapest cost - DO NOT USE! You have to change them every 10-20K or so
Platinum = Longest life, worst performance, medium cost - OEMs love them cause they last to 100K-mi in design and cheaper then Iridium, they were one big reason why 60K and 100K mile drivetrain warranties became standard. The LS had Platnum plugs from the factory
Iridium = Good performance, good longevity, high price - What I have installed and would recommend, just keep in mind you may only get 60-75K miles out of a set of plugs, in theory.

I used NGK BKR5EIX11 Iridium Plug #5464. They are the same design as the OEMs just with an Iridium tip. So far no issues to report with them.

Go with Motorcraft if you want a swap-in replacement. If you don't mind changing your wiring harness and mod'ing some things then you can put Accel COPs from a mustang in the LS. For most people just going with motorcraft is the way to go.

Word of caution: The off-brand coils you will get from auto-parts stores are a crap shoot. The real issue is not that the coil goes bad and that you have to replace it, but that it also usually takes the spark plug with it, requiring them to be replaced in sets. That hassle combined with you forever chasing coils every few months is why you won't see many recommendations for anything other then Motorcraft. Some people have had good luck with the lifetime warranty off-brands but they have also become experts in changing coils too. :)
Copper = Best performance, shortest life, cheapest cost - DO NOT USE! You have to change them every 10-20K or so
Platinum = Longest life, worst performance, medium cost - OEMs love them cause they last to 100K-mi in design and cheaper then Iridium, they were one big reason why 60K and 100K mile drivetrain warranties became standard. The LS had Platnum plugs from the factory
Iridium = Good performance, good longevity, high price - What I have installed and would recommend, just keep in mind you may only get 60-75K miles out of a set of plugs, in theory.

I used NGK BKR5EIX11 Iridium Plug #5464. They are the same design as the OEMs just with an Iridium tip. So far no issues to report with them.

Go with Motorcraft if you want a swap-in replacement. If you don't mind changing your wiring harness and mod'ing some things then you can put Accel COPs from a mustang in the LS. For most people just going with motorcraft is the way to go.

Word of caution: The off-brand coils you will get from auto-parts stores are a crap shoot. The real issue is not that the coil goes bad and that you have to replace it, but that it also usually takes the spark plug with it, requiring them to be replaced in sets. That hassle combined with you forever chasing coils every few months is why you won't see many recommendations for anything other then Motorcraft. Some people have had good luck with the lifetime warranty off-brands but they have also become experts in changing coils too. :)

I wouldnt mind having copper plugs and having to replace them more often if it means i would get the best performance out of the 3 types. For me 20k miles is a long ways to go before i have to change plugs.
We are not talking anything worthwhile here. Say you gain 4 HP by using copper plugs. Is that going to be worth intake gaskets and a couple hours of time? Plus with the high-energy ignition from the COP you'll probably only get 10K-mi out of copper. That 20K-mi number was what you were hoping to get out of a set of copper plugs when using a distributor and a single coil with condensor. The COP plugs are a higher voltage design and you really should be using Platinum plugs.

Maybe 4-HP is worth it to you, who knows.
I just ran a set of autolite double platinum on mine for a good 100K and unbelievably, the gap had not eroded, was still sitting at the low end of the range of .051 to .056". All 6 plugs were the same color and non-wear. This is a V6 2000 with 271K miles.
Just run the platinums. Consider this - parts for the LS aren't made anymore, and the more you turn the bolts the more wear you put on them and the more you run the risk of breaking one. Stay away from multiprong plugs, they are hype. Especially stay away from plugs with washers on the end of the electrodes.

Yeah, the HP gain is pretty pathetic with plug swaps. Best number I've ever heard is the hope to get 1/2 HP per cylinder on a street car.
What coolant do I need to use? I emptied the coolant when i took off my intake and I dont want to put the old stuff back in.
Thanks joegr. Last question: when I put the gasket in is there some kind of sealant that I need to use, or does it just sit in there as it comes?
The gasket between the manifold halves? AFAIK, just sit it in place.

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