Loss of power between 3500 and 5500


New LVC Member
Aug 5, 2015
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I have a 2001 ls v8 155k miles. Just got it about a week ago. Anyways I'm new to these cars. This one had a few small issues when I got it. Had a bad coil pack (replaced all 8 with accel coils from a 99-04 mustang) and had a bad coolant out let tube. So now I have just two issues left on this car. The car runs just fine between idle and about 3500 rpms (give or take a few) but between 3500 and 5500 it just feels like it loses all power, after it makes it above 5500 rpms the power returns and the car will take off like a rocket. Second issue im having is my drivers rear break light works intermittently. I'm pretty happy with the car otherwise.
The polarity on the Accel coils is wrong. You will have to re-pin the connectors on the LS to use them.
Try replacing the "break" light with a brake light. If that doesn't do it, the odds are that the contacts in the bulb socket are corroded/bent/bad.
Okay thanks, did not know about the polarity problem will be fixing that within the hour. Also sorry about the typo. Socket and bulb have both been replaced. Still only intermittently working.
... Socket and bulb have both been replaced. Still only intermittently working.

You are left with the wiring between the socket and the REM, and the REM itself as the possible causes.
REM = Rear Electronics Module, it's in the trunk, behind the trunk light.
Thank you. Reversing polarity on the connectors fixed the loss of power problem. Ill get started on wiring searching the wiring.
35 minutes to reverse the pins and reverse polarity? I'm skeptically impressed
de-pinning and re-pinning could be done that quick if you're well versed in releasing pins

and I am sure that I could cut 16 wires and re solder them with heat shrink in under 40 mins... (giving that the coil covers are off and not part of the job)
Repinning the connectors only takes a couple of minutes a piece. Covers were off of course. Testing it is as simple as running it down the back roads that I live off of.
The hard part comes from getting the red piece out intact more than from actually de/re-pinning. But I mean hey, if one is well versed in unforgiving retention clips and if he did it properly, more power to dakky.
i just moved mine from left to right, and right to left... easier way to reverse...

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