Low Coolant Error...


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 20, 2007
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So I'm still getting a low coolant air... I know it's not low cause its been filled... and I doubt there's air unless there's a way for air to get in there from a difference in outside temp... cause I had a couple bubbles and I worked them out... anyways I think it's the sensor... could be wrong but it just goes off a lot... like 2 or three times a day and it's full... with the air in the system it would only go off once a day... anyways how hard is it to change the sensor and how much do they normally run. thanks!
Well its pretty easy to check. Is the tank filled to the line? if so, the sensor is bad or I think it may do it if disconnected.
Yeah it's full... it's actually a little over full cause I tried getting the air out again and when it was all done it went a little over the line... so where's this sensor located at?... it's probably somewhere hard... I hope not...
Its in the tank. Hence the easy way to check. The wire harness plugs in at the bottom of the tank. Two bolts, I think, hold the tank in place. Someone might be more familiar with actual replacement, I never had to.
yeah should be a little plastic pole type thing with this little plastic washer lookin thing that slides up and down...easy way to check is if that thing is some how busted and doesn't slide.
I got the same light in the wifes 94 GT, take is full so I just unpluged it and it went away. I just check the coolent and oil when I fill up like I allways do .
Sweet... that's cool... so if I unhook it the error won't pop up anymore?... maybe I could just clean the stupid thing if it doesn't move up or down... thanks for all the info... it annoys the crap outta me... everytime I hit the gas it's like beep!!... aww crap what now?... oh stupid sensor... GRRRRR :mad:
as far as i know the only way to get the sensor on a markviii is with the jug, and as for unplugging it..... the signal should go either to max full or max empty, its worth a shot
That tank includes the sensor p/n F3LY-8A080-A list is 79.92 and LVC is 57.54.

fits 93-98.


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