LS automanual shifter - not going into 1st?


Well-Known LVC Member
Sep 10, 2005
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Sterling Heights, MI
I'm about to buy a 2000 LS V8 sport package, with the autoshifter and such, and the shifter works fine in all gears, just not first gear. For whatever reason if I'm sitting still at a light (or rolling slowly, whichever), it won't let me downshift into 1st gear. It'll just sit in 2nd (at least that's what the indicator says). Is there any reason for this that you know of, or is this an issue indicative of a larger problem?
Hey there, sterling heights huh? I work right on M-59 and hayes :)

Btw, i dont know if you tried searching the forums, but you can find the answer in depth if you do, however here is how you get it into 1st.

When you have the shifter in SST and its reading second, start a little idle roll or just mash the gas peddle real fast. It'll drop it down into 1st, however you cannot stop and maintain it.

As soon as the rear wheels stop it will go out of 1st back into its default starting gear, 2nd. So put it in SST, mash the gas peddle and lift off, continue rolling in 1st until you decide to take off ;) just don't stop all the way or you'll lose SST/1st
With SST you have to give it 60% throttle in 2nd gear before it will shift into 1st gear. I believe the reasoning for this was to evade the gas guzzler tax, and save some money in your pocket. Now I'm not positive but there might be a tuning device to remove this, as well as the top speed governor, and give it a little more kick via harder shifting and a little more power. Xcalibrator 2 is it? Do some research you'll find it.
KD00LS said:
With SST you have to give it 60% throttle in 2nd gear before it will shift into 1st gear. I believe the reasoning for this was to evade the gas guzzler tax, and save some money in your pocket. Now I'm not positive but there might be a tuning device to remove this, as well as the top speed governor, and give it a little more kick via harder shifting and a little more power. Xcalibrator 2 is it? Do some research you'll find it.

I talked with Quik and he says the SCT tuner doesn't fix this problem at the present time. Give them some time to work on it. What's funny is I believe the 2003 cars don't do this and will go into 1st gear when you select it. I wonder why that couldn't be programmed into earlier cars? Wouldn't surprise me it could be if you could find a way to dump the software into our cars. I'll bet Ford won't allow it.
didjital| said:
Hey there, sterling heights huh? I work right on M-59 and hayes :)

Btw, i dont know if you tried searching the forums, but you can find the answer in depth if you do, however here is how you get it into 1st.

When you have the shifter in SST and its reading second, start a little idle roll or just mash the gas peddle real fast. It'll drop it down into 1st, however you cannot stop and maintain it.

As soon as the rear wheels stop it will go out of 1st back into its default starting gear, 2nd. So put it in SST, mash the gas peddle and lift off, continue rolling in 1st until you decide to take off ;) just don't stop all the way or you'll lose SST/1st

I tried searching, but I've never been a very good searcher in forums... I must have missed the threads on it, sorry.

And yeah, I'm at about 15 & Mound.
2001LS8Sport said:
I talked with Quik and he says the SCT tuner doesn't fix this problem at the present time. Give them some time to work on it. What's funny is I believe the 2003 cars don't do this and will go into 1st gear when you select it. I wonder why that couldn't be programmed into earlier cars? Wouldn't surprise me it could be if you could find a way to dump the software into our cars. I'll bet Ford won't allow it.

The 00-02 Trans is non-synchronous while the 03+ trans is synchronous.

Thats the reason you cant start off an 00-02 in 1st gear. Thats what a Lincoln Tech told me.
02V8Sport said:
The 00-02 Trans is non-synchronous while the 03+ trans is synchronous.

Thats the reason you cant start off an 00-02 in 1st gear. Thats what a Lincoln Tech told me.

The real reason is to avoid the gas guzzler tax. A 2nd gear start gives 1mpg better in the EPA test. The reason the '03's-'06's start in 1st is that the EPA eliminated the SST test. The sync/non-sync has nothing to do with it.
LS4me said:
The real reason is to avoid the gas guzzler tax. A 2nd gear start gives 1mpg better in the EPA test. The reason the '03's-'06's start in 1st is that the EPA eliminated the SST test. The sync/non-sync has nothing to do with it.

Cool! So then I guess it should be able to be re-programmed with the Xcal2 sometime
02V8Sport said:
Cool! So then I guess it should be able to be re-programmed with the Xcal2 sometime

So far Torrie isn't hopeful.......

Hopefully some day!

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