LS COP (Coil on Plug)


New LVC Member
Dec 24, 2012
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I have had many challenges with the COP on my 2002 Lincoln LSE. After spending a few hundred dollars at my local Good Year Shop I decided to order a set of 8 made in China ignition coils (from Ebay) and after installing them they worked great for about a year and a half. Now I have had the to replace #6 then # 4 coil and now #2 is bad. The Chinese parts aren't any better than the Ford OEM part. As you now the driver’s side coil cover is a pain to remove the lower rear bold. The last time I tied a string onto a 7mm wrench so that I would not lose it. I also took a 7mm 1/4" drive socket and ground it down so that I could use a very thin ratchet (from Lowe's). Now I have to do this process again but this time when I have the coil cover off I am going to cut a slot in the lower rear bolt hole so that I don't have to remove the bolt completely in the future in order to remove the cover. I have upgraded the covers and they are made of aluminum not plastic.

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