(Springwater Twp.) - On May 18th, 2008 at approximately 1:50 a.m.,
members of the Huronia West OPP while on patrol observed a black 2000
Lincoln LS traveling northbound on Hwy #26 just north of the City of
Barrie at an extremely high rate of speed, 239Km/h in a posted 80 km/h
zone. Police followed this motor vehicle as it quickly turned onto
Findlay Mill Road and continued to drive erratically passing an
eastbound motor vehicle on a blind hill at a speed above the posted
limit. This motor vehicle was finally stopped by Police on Belmont
Street in the Village of Midhurst.
Charged with "Racing - speeding 50km/h over the posted speed limit",
"Careless Driving" and "Driver Fail to Surrender Licence" is Corey
Graves 17 years old from Springwater Twp. First appearance is June
17th, 2008 in Wasaga Beach Provincial court.
At the time of the offence there were 4 other individuals in the above
motor vehicle all of who were under the age of 18.
As a result of Ontario's "Racing" legislation the operator of this
motor vehicle also had his driving privileges suspended and motor
vehicle seized for 7 days.
(spelling mistakes present in original)
239 km/h is 149 mph, and the posted limit of 80 km/h is 50 mph. Apparently the fines alone could exceed $10000.00! In addition, the car can be destroyed under Ontario law. I have watched on TV the destruction of a couple of rice racers under this law; it would be sad to see an LS pancaked like that. The driver didn't even have a license! What an idiot.