LS got beat up today :(


LVC Member
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Sulphur Springs
Well I had a busy day, I stopped at a gas station to get some redbull and smokes and a lady pulled up on my passenger side. She was driving an old clapped out blue tempo and prolly weighed 400lbs....I ran in got my cigs/redbull and walking back to my ls I hear BANG and see the lady trying to squeeze out of the little car. I walked over and see a BIG BLUE PAINT TRANSFER on the passenger door. She said "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" I blew my stack and ask her if she had insurance and she said "let me find it" she got her fat ass back in and started it up and DROVE OFF. I took the license plate number and went by the police department...the plates on the tempo were registered to a ford ranger....damn...they took my information and said they would get ahold of me if they found anything out, but I figure it isn't even worth following up on..

So I was already in a bad mood driving back to my house from the into some road construction and some guy in truck was driving 35 in a 60...I got behind him to pass and he suddenly runs off the road into the shoulder and my ls got pelted. Cracked windshield, dotted up the hood, and took 2 quarter size pieces of chrome off the grill. Damn it all...
Bright side (barely bright) is there's only one trip to the body shop in your future instead of two.

I know, a stretch.
Damn! I'm sorry to hear that. Stupid sh!t like that happens to the best of us though.
that s*cks!

bright side, at least your not the guy who has to come to her fat *ss everyday
DAMN At least mine was in two different weeks.....I agree you follow somone an call the cops they (usually ) catch up with you guys if your on the phone with dispatch.....I know they help us out if we get chased.....but Sorry to hear about your luck.....

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