LS IS out of commission for a while(HELP)


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Louis
Was driving down 40 (theyre in the progress of repaving the whole highway) and hit a huge pot hole. Not only me nut 4 other cars a 750 with 22 a infinity mx45 (whatever the car is) and some honda, all had all our right tires flattened by this hole. Called the police and MODOT, took them an hour to come, then MODOT came and filled the hole. Got my car towed home and now I got to wait to get mew rims. If anyone has been through this let me know what to do. LAwyer or now. I will go further in detail tomorrow morning.
our old neighbor was driving his viper down out of the development(it was on a mountain) and peco i beleive had taken a huge rectangular chunk about 5ft by 2ft out of the road and put some sort of a peice of metal over. he was driving and the metal gave way and cracked the bumper, inner wheel well, flattened the tire, and scratched the rim. pretty sure he had the police file a full, detailed report on what happened, not sure if he took it to a lawyer but peco ended up having to pay since they dug it and improperly covered it

pretty sure whoever dug the pothole out, its their fault
Call your insurance company. They will know how to handle the situation.
right....varies state by state but in ohio, IIRC, if the pothole had NOT been reported at least 24 hours prior then they are not liable. A friend lost 2 wheels on his Audi and managed to get it covered. But the city sd out of something like 900 reimbursement requests for pothole damage year to date, he was only the 3rd they agreed to pay.
Was it this big? :eek:

That sucks. Like others said, insurance.

The first thing I though looking at that picture was Ghostbusters. :D

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