LS Leaking Coolant / Missing Coolant!


Active LVC Member
Aug 25, 2014
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Hi all. I Recently purchased a lincoln ls. so just about a hour ago got of work was about to drive home but then i checked the anti freeze level and it was way below low level must of came out after i parked car last night around 6pm..

now usually it leaks when i see it right under the driver side behind the wheel what could this possibly be?
should i have my mechanic change the container?

i don't think i have a cracked head gasket or block could i? the car runs fine and the oil isn't watery or the oil cap isn't white its clean and all if you know what i mean
Have you searched at all on here?
Replace the degas bottle and most of the rest of the plastic cooling system parts.
Head and head gasket problems are so rare with the LS that you need not consider that.
If you're going to do this yourself, do yourself a huge favor and get cable pliers. The hardest part of this job is removing the clamp from the hose below the tank, the cable pliers will cut 20 minutes off the time and you'll be way less frustrated than you would without them.

Also, when complete - please follow the bleed instructions to remove the air from the system in the tech article above (to the letter).
As Joe and Voyeur said---degas bottle. And do all the parts while you're at it. Otherwise, you'll have to bleed the system several times.


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