LS Pics To Smooth

May 11, 2005
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trying to do something with the motor a swap even a carburated 5.0

July 2006 001.jpg

July 2006 004.jpg

July 2006 003.jpg

July 2006 002.jpg

July 2006 007.jpg
trying to do something with the motor a swap even a carburated 5.0

what are your doing to match the engine controls to the LS bus?
what about emissions?
u should do something with that orange side marker in the front..

also.. some better angles of pics? a better pics of the trunk.. etc.. i really want to get a good look at her..
I wonder if the owner of that LS is the big guy in the white shirt from the first pic. I also like the other "big" guy on the phone in the background, or is that a woman? Also dig the hearse in the last pic, or is that an old school ambulance.

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