LSE kits for sale again


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 2, 2005
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For those who have not heard yet. Ken has the LSE body kits for sale again. I know some people never make it down to the bottom of the board.
Hey! Thanks for the plug! You are correct. They are back in stock again.
SWEET!!! i was scared for a little while that i would not be able to get one. Ken I'll prob buy one in a few months
is there a limit on how many are being made, is this something i should jump on right away or do i have a little bit of time to get one.
mjc02ls8 said:
is there a limit on how many are being made, is this something i should jump on right away or do i have a little bit of time to get one.
There is an initial quantity of 27 kits at the moment with them making more later.
789.99 shipped plus 80 for the fogs. I guess you cant sell them already painted can you? Of course with more money on top
J3FF said:
789.99 shipped plus 80 for the fogs. I guess you cant sell them already painted can you? Of course with more money on top
I don't want to start getting into painting the kits. I wouldn't be able to guarantee the parts arriving without scratches and such. I thought about it and talked it over with my painter. Even he didn't feel comfortable about painting it and shipping the kit. Your best bet is to find a local painter or even your dealer to paint it. This way you are guaranteed a color matched paint job.
I am sure an LS done right and painted yellow would look very awesome. Be a shock atfirst to see but add the right accents and tada! And you just have to put them on Sale after I trade mine in lol.
There was a yellow LS for sale in the DuPont registry book for a while. It did look pretty cool for a yellow car.

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