lucas tranny fix


Active LVC Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Long Island
i just bought this stuff and i wanted to know the best way to add it, i have a small leak and im a little low on fluid, should i just dump the whole 24 oz. bottle in? i have some mercon v on hand, what shoudl i do?
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i agress
my dad just has a chrysler but he put that stuff in becouse his tranny was leaking and 2 days latter it broke down on him
Lucas isn't going to fix a tranny that's already broken...

What Lucas will do is freshen your tranny's oil and help lub and re-seal seals...

I like the product and feel it is a good additive to use to help prolong the life of a tranny.
ok so lucas will prolong a tranny life they say its saposed to help a tranny that is slipping but your saying that it just helps a tranny out say i had some lucas sitting around the garage its about a 7 months old
its open is it still good or should i get new
and if i just had the tranny flushed how long should i wate about how many miles till i yous lucas
and about how mouch should you yous what do you recomend messpock

what do you think about that lucas stuff they say will help Powersteering leaks do you think it is any good
To answer your original question, just add the whole bottle. Add whatever Mercron you need to top it off.

If it puts you a little bit over, dont worry.

Lucas Transmission Fix

Lucas Transmission Fix is a non-solvent folrmuls that stops slip, hesitation and rough shifting in worn transmissions and completely eliminates most seal leaks. Use in any transmission for preventative maintenance.Use also in light duty manual transmissions to increase shifting ease and transmission life.

Key Benefits

  • Contains no solvents
  • Lowers operating temperatures and stops foaming
  • Can be added to existing fluid without draining any out
  • Effective in an extremely high percentage of cases
cool thanks
but if i only have like half a bottle and its alredy almost a year old should o just go buy a new onei m not realy low im actualy good couse i just had it flushed like 3,000 miles ago
evillally said:
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:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:


That is the funniest post I have seen in weeks!! You have me on the floor!

I'm sorry....I didn't mean to offend anyone...but that really was funny!
well i used the whole bottle and i can already notice a difference. I had a little bit of a rough shift from 2-3 and thats already gone. So i guess flushing it down the toilet will make it flush a little smoother, and stop any plumping leaks you might have. :N
The ONLY thing I have used from Lucas is the fuel stabilizer. I would strongly recommend not putting a whole bottle in. I did an oil change on my Grand Marquis this past winter, and I used a whole bottle of Lucas Oil Stabilizer and topped it off with oil. The car never knocked before. The next day when I started it, it took forever to crank and seemed like it had a big load on it. Once it started, it dry started and made the lifters tap and all sorts of other crappy noises. The dry noises lasted for about 5 seconds and then it ran fine, but with a slight knock. Needless to say, I changed that oil back out of there the next day and just put Pennzoil 10-40 in it. No more hard or dry starts, but the motor always had a slight knock after that. FLUSH THAT CRAP DOWN THE TOILET!!!!!!!
I would recommend removing some tranny fluid first. Because i put the same stuff in mine and mine tranny started shifting hard becasue it had too much fluid. I removed a half of a quart and it started shifting fine again.
well i still havnt got my anser not shure if the stuff goes bad after a whyll i asked 2 times i think i have abottle that is opened andit,s been in ther garage for like 7 or 8 months
dose it go bad or is it ok to still yous it
Black87LSC said:
The ONLY thing I have used from Lucas is the fuel stabilizer. I would strongly recommend not putting a whole bottle in. I did an oil change on my Grand Marquis this past winter, and I used a whole bottle of Lucas Oil Stabilizer and topped it off with oil. The car never knocked before. The next day when I started it, it took forever to crank and seemed like it had a big load on it. Once it started, it dry started and made the lifters tap and all sorts of other crappy noises. The dry noises lasted for about 5 seconds and then it ran fine, but with a slight knock. Needless to say, I changed that oil back out of there the next day and just put Pennzoil 10-40 in it. No more hard or dry starts, but the motor always had a slight knock after that. FLUSH THAT CRAP DOWN THE TOILET!!!!!!!

what :slam would put lucas in there engine in the winter. do you know how thick that stuff is its thicker then sap, go buy some at the store and put it in your freezer and try pooring it out an hour or so later, man
that tuff took me like 2 hourse to dump into the power steering man only reason why they say it stops leaks is couse it so thick lol
I've used Lucas in my tranny and it seem to run better.

I've used Lucas with my oil and it seems to run better. (Although I haven't used it in the winter months.... would take too long to put in... e.i. Freezer note from MarkofDeath....

I've used Lucas in my gas...

I have not had problems after using Lucas products...

I don't think the old Lucas would have gone bad but for the $4 to $7 it may cost you I'd buy a new bottle..
In my Trans I have used Lucas, it got better
In my fuel I use B12 (AKA acetone) runs cleaner
In my intake I use sea foam. Really works well in cleaning, just change your plugs and o2 sensors
In my oil just straight up oil only, 6 1/2 qt. (Mobil 1)

There are some things out there that work and some that don’t, some people swear by some products and condone others so your always going to get different opinions.

Mine opinion is put that bottle of Lucas in (if its uncontaminated) and top off with mercon 5. After, start saving for a new Trans because like the guys said before it prolongs failing. there no way of knowing how long though.
well my trans is only 13 month old rebuilt in July last year but its got 32,000 miles on it since the rebuil and some ppl have told me that this trans dose not last more than about 90,000 to 100,000 is this true is that if it isn,t flushed and filter changed or is that 100,000 when it,ks being taken care of properly just juriouse
MarkOfDeath said:
what :slam would put lucas in there engine in the winter. do you know how thick that stuff is its thicker then sap, go buy some at the store and put it in your freezer and try pooring it out an hour or so later, man

I'm not going to WASTE my money buying it again, because it's CRAP!!! But you can go ahead and buy some and "put it in your freezer and try pooring it out an hour or so later, man"
According to the Lucas Oil site, the oil stabilizer is "formulated to eliminate dry starts" <--- That's exactly what it CAUSED... :waving: It's nothing but gunk, can you imagine how much of that stuff DOESN'T come out when you drain the oil??? wait wait wait, that's what you use the Seafoam for right? I'll just stick to regular old oil, thank you very much!
I was told by a trans shop to NOT use Lucas as it's too thick for the veins of the transmission. If you have any sort of shudder, put in some limited slip additive or there's anti-shudder stuff out there.

I personally put in a tube of limited slip additive that I got in Pep Boys and the low MPH OD shudder is gone. I've done it as a "band-aid" until I have the time to get the system purged.

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