Lying Propaganda


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Aug 30, 2005
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Lying Propaganda
by Walter E. Williams

Michael Moore's new film, "Capitalism: A Love Story" will be released next month. I've neither seen nor read reviews of the film, except for a short piece in the London Telegraph (9/6/09) titled "Michael Moore film calls capitalism evil." Aware of Michael Moore's previous films, I know that it will be at best a misleading story about capitalism. So let's do some defensive mental preparation, not about the film but what is and what is not capitalism.

Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership and control over the means of production. The distribution of goods and services and their prices are mainly determined by competition in a free market. Under such a system the primary job of government is to protect private property, enforce contracts and ensure rule of law.

There has never been a pure free market capitalistic system just as there has never been a pure communist or socialist system, where there is government ownership of the means of production and each individual has equal access to society's resources. However, we can rank economies as to whether they are closer to capitalism or closer to communism or socialism. If one ranked countries according to whether they were closer to the capitalistic end of the spectrum or the socialistic or communistic end, then ranked countries according to per capita GDP and finally rank countries according to Freedom House's "Map of Freedom in the World," he would find a pattern that is by no means a coincidence. The people in those countries closer to the capitalist end of the economic spectrum have far greater income and enjoy greater human rights protections than those toward the socialist and communist end.

According to the London Telegraph article, Moore's film features priests who say capitalism is anti-Christian by failing to protect the poor. This is pure nonsense and revealed as such by asking, "If you're an unborn spirit, condemned by God to a life of poverty but allowed to choose the country in which to be poor, would you choose a country near the communist end of the economic spectrum or the capitalist end?" If you chose the United States, you'd find that according to the government surveys, the typical "poor" American has cable or satellite TV, two color TVs, and a DVD player or VCR. He has air conditioning, a car, a microwave, a refrigerator, a stove, and a clothes washer and dryer, and whether he has health insurance or not, he is able to obtain medical care when needed. Try to find that in Cuba, Russia, China or North Korea. If we buy into the nonsense of Moore's priests, the world's poor people are incredibly stupid. Whether fleeing legally or illegally, their destination country is likely to be closer to capitalism than their departure country.

Most of our country's serious problems can be laid at the feet of Congress and the White House and not at capitalism. Take the financial crisis. One-third of the $15 trillion of mortgages in existence in 2008 are owned, or securitized by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, the Federal Housing and the Veterans Administration. Banks didn't mind making risky loans and Wall Street buyers didn't mind buying these repackaged loans because they assumed that they would be guaranteed by the federal government: read bailout by taxpayers. Under a capitalist system, financial institutions would not have been intimidated or encouraged into making risky loans and neither would they have been bailed out if they did so.

Social Security, Medicare and its coverage of prescription drugs have an unfunded liability that exceeds $100 trillion. When those roosters come home to roost, they will make the financial meltdown we've been though look like child's play.

Not withstanding all of the demagoguery, it is capitalism not socialism is that made us a great country and its socialism that will be our undoing.
It was a blending of the best of capitalism with the best of socialism that made us a great nation.

To the contrary.
America was great DESPITE the blending of socialist style policies.
And it was luck that those terrible policies were in application during a period of world history that had eliminated most of the global competition. Following WW2 we could afford the wasteful and misguided economic policies embraced by the progressives because there was no competition.

As soon as viable economic competition emerged, the system began to crack.

The big three did wonderfully with auto unions- SO LONG as they weren't competing with anyone else. Enter the viable foreign competition and the industry began to collapse.

So, Jaggerbot, you're simply wrong. Those policies didn't make us great, they simply didn't destroy us because of our greatness and a bit of good fortune. But if we don't recognize the mistakes of the past century, it will destroy our economic system and our country.
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Not to mention that the 'best of capitalism' is the desire for profit, which is what the 'worst of socialism' seeks to destroy. The two cannot long coexist.
Socialist Programs Made the U. S. a Great Nation

Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 - Prevented Rail Road Companies from charging unreasonable rates and engaging in rate discrimination.

Sherman Anti Trust Act of 1890 - Prevented large firms from controlling a single industry.

Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 - To promote "consumer protection" and to eliminate and prevent harmful anti-competitive business practices, such as coercive monopoly.

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 - Provided federal inspection of meat products and forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products and poisonous patent medicines.

The Sixteenth Amendment Ratified in 1913 - Allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on Census results.

Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - Created the Federal Reserve System which is the central banking system of the United States.​ be continued
the 'best of capitalism' is the desire for profit
The best thing about laissez faire capitalism is it's ability to create wealth. Unfortunately, it doesn't distribute wealth in a fair and equitable manner.

the 'worst of socialism'
The best thing about socialism is that it distributes wealth more equitably than laissez faire capitalism. However, it doesn't create as much wealth as laissez faire

The two cannot long coexist.
The United States created the best economic system in the world by borrowing the best from capitalism and socialism and eliminating the worst of each.
The best thing about laissez faire capitalism is it's ability to create wealth. Unfortunately, it doesn't distribute wealth in a fair and equitable manner.
How do you define "fair and equitable?"
Who's job is it to define such a thing.
And, in this country, what gives them the power to steal from one person to give it to another.

The best thing about socialism is that it distributes wealth more equitably than laissez faire capitalism. However, it doesn't create as much wealth as laissez faire
So it rewards the consumers as much as the producers?
So where's the incentive to produce?

The United States created the best economic system in the world by borrowing the best from capitalism and socialism and eliminating the worst of each.
You're repeating yourself and I've responded to it in other threads.
But to add a point-
if we have the best system now- why expand the size and scope of the federal government? Wouldn't that just throw off the "best" balance? How would more government, more redistribution, more borrowing, more centralized power strengthen us?
How do you define "fair and equitable?"
The way the Dictionary does.

Who's job is it to define such a thing.
Beats me, dude.

And, in this country, what gives them the power to steal from one person to give it to another.
The people gave their government the power to steal from rich guys like me to give to poor guys like you.

it rewards the consumers as much as the producers?

So where's the incentive to produce?
My incentive to produce is to make money. I don't know about you, dude. I suspect you don't produce very much and therefore don't have much money.

If we have the best system now- why expand the size and scope of the federal government?
That all depends on the reason you want to expand it. For example, in the case of health care, I'm in favor of expanding the role of government to protect individuals from unfair health insurance company practices.

I'm also in favor of expanding the role of government to bust up the health insurance companies to reduce market concentration the goal being to foster competition.

Wouldn't that just throw off the "best" balance?
It might make it even better or it might not. But we can always make corrections. Keep in mind that this whole free republican government thing is an experiment.

How would more government, more redistribution, more borrowing, more centralized power strengthen us?
Beats me, dude. Why do you want more government? What's problem are you trying to solve?
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everything you just posted demonstrates your ignorance. There is no response needed.

However, you're "signature" is worth note. The quote from Teddy Roosevelt.

First, you've taken it outside of it's proper context. The quote is lifted from his autobiography, but even the sentence as you've posted it is incomplete.

TR goes on to say-
"It was useless to discuss methods of controlling big business by the National Government until it was definitely settled that the National Government had the power to control it. A decision of the Supreme Court had, with seeming definiteness, settled that the National Government had not the power."

As with all progressive policies, the first order of business is finding a way to subvert or re-interpret the constitution. The constitution, the founding fathers, are little more than a legal and moral inconvenience to a progressive. The Constitution doesn't apply anymore in their philosophy.

But what about this quote? How do you feel about this:
"It is thus necessary that the individual should come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole ... that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual. .... This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture .... we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow man."
As with all progressive policies, the first order of business is finding a way to subvert or re-interpret the constitution. The constitution, the founding fathers, are little more than a legal and moral inconvenience to a progressive. The Constitution doesn't apply anymore in their philosophy.
Dude, you need to thank God for the brave Socialists and Progressives who tamed Capitalism. If not for their courage and perseverance, you'd be just another oppressed wage worker in one of my factories.
Dude, you need to thank God for the brave Socialists and Progressives who tamed Capitalism. If not for their courage and perseverance, you'd be just another oppressed wage worker in one of my factories.

You can keep repeating that, but that's not going to make it true....
Originally Posted by Mick Jagger
The best thing about laissez faire capitalism is it's ability to create wealth. Unfortunately, it doesn't distribute wealth in a fair and equitable manner.
It's not capitalism's job to distribute wealth.

You socialist elitists need to understand that America isn't supposed to be a country where people are 'taken care of' by the government. America was, is, and should always be a tough place to live, where you're on your own with no expectation of being taken care of, but with absolute liberty to achieve any level of success you desire, whether that level of success is piles of cash or a large estate.

The government's job should be to manage our defense while ensuring that our liberty has as little abridgment as possible.

In other words, if you're a weakling or just lazy, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. Go live in Europe where you can get government benefits and get in glorious 5 year waiting lists for dental care. LEAVE. America is for those who want to achieve, who have the guts to create and build their own stuff.

You socialist elites have ruined this country by co-opting America's wealth over the last 50 years and then just pissing it away for nothing. Eleven trillion dollars down the drain to fight the failed war on poverty. How's that 'great society' working for you now?

Originally Posted by Mick Jagger
Dude, you need to thank God for the brave Socialists and Progressives who tamed Capitalism. If not for their courage and perseverance, you'd be just another oppressed wage worker in one of my factories.
If it weren't for the oppressive regulations and taxes imposed on us by the government, fewer people would work in factories. They could start and run their own businesses.
Dude, socialism is what makes this such a great and powerful nation.
Tell that to the Soviets, Cuba, the Norks, and Europe. :rolleyes:

As has been said before, proof by assertion is not proof.

Dude, I'm richer than Dick Cheney.
Prove it.

Almost every person in the nation disagrees with you, dude.
Prove it, dude.

You need to understand that the purpose of government is to promote the safety and happiness of the people.
Promote is not the same as 'provide for.'

We know that, dude. The distribution of wealth is the government's job.
Show me in the Constitution the power given to the government to pick life's winners and losers.
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You socialist elitists need to understand that America isn't supposed to be a country where people are 'taken care of' by the government.
You need to understand that the purpose of government is to promote the safety and happiness of the people.

America was, is, and should always be a tough place to live, where you're on your own with no expectation of being taken care of, but with absolute liberty to achieve any level of success you desire, whether that level of success is piles of cash or a large estate.
Dude, if we went back to those days, you'd be working in one of my factories twelve hours a day earning just enough to buy bread and water. You would be crushed by guys like me.

The government's job should be to manage our defense while ensuring that our liberty has as little abridgment as possible.
Almost every person in the nation disagrees with you, dude.

In other words, if you're a weakling or just lazy, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. Go live in Europe where you can get government benefits and get in glorious 5 year waiting lists for dental care. LEAVE. America is for those who want to achieve, who have the guts to create and build their own stuff.
Dude, I'm richer than Dick Cheney.

You socialist elites have ruined this country
Dude, socialism is what makes this such a great and powerful nation.

If it weren't for the oppressive regulations and taxes imposed on us by the government, fewer people would work in factories. They could start and run their own businesses.
Don't blame the government for your failure to achieve financial success.
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