m and what to address forstBad Fuel Pump? Code P1237


New LVC Member
Aug 21, 2013
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So I had posted earlier thinking my coils were bad. The car started and was running real rough, bucking and kicking down my street. As I put the vehicle into my driveway, the car died. I have tried starting it since and one time it started up for a few seconds but died again. It is now no longer starting. It turns over. The battery has now been run down and trigger the anti theft and flickered the gage needles. So, before doing anything I had a friend bring over his hi tech code reader to see what the computer says. There were two:

P1237: and the code reader displayed, Fuel pump secondary circuit driver module

and the second code was:

P1260: Theft detected immobolize

I am uncertain after doing searches if this is the fuel pump itself or if there is something else that could be. Any advice on the problem and what to start replacing or checking first? I have read to check the fuse which I will do but its dark right now. Also, I have seen some different places on where to check for the fuse, anyone know where to check?

car is a 2000 LS with the V8
P1237 may indicate a bad REM, but I'm not sure about that.

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